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  • Yes I second that! That would be great…

    I third this. I was hoping to mimic the way YouTube has the arrows to the left and right of a segment of videos that you can click to scroll through to additional ones.

    I fourth this ??
    That was the very first question that came to mind after I activated the plugin…what’s the shortcode for pagination. I would really like this so that I can publish the page because I don’t want it to be limited by number, but also not display EVERYTHING on one page all at once as it loads.

    (update) — In fact, I am using another plugin at the moment I switched to because it has pagination (I just need it). I don’t like the quality of thumbnails though, so as soon as pagination is added to this one, I am switching back to this one ??

    And five one..Pagination is my biggest wish fot this cool plugin.

    I must use another Plugin until this works :-/ Same as jh20001 the tubepress I use now I have a low quali thumb in the free version.

    3task, that was the same one I deviated to. I can’t stand the low quality thumbnails. Feels like a cheap extortion trick to get you to pay for it since it’s a compression technique and that’s it…all done on your side of things (maybe there is a portion of the script that can be modified manually to adjust compression level).

    I’d much rather use this plugin, but pagination is more important…so I guess it’s the lesser of the two evils for the moment.

    Hi which plugin are you using ? i need what this plugin does with the pagination.
    Thanks for answer,

    I am currently using tubepress. As 3task mentioned, it only generates crum quality thumbnails as a trick to get you to want to upgrade to the pro setting (nothing pro about it…its like having a “bugs: on” variable on the back-end until you buy a pro version and then it sets to “bugs: off”). It at least has pagination.

    Update: Don’t switch to TubePress….see here:

    I have switched back to this plugin until either the author adds pagination or we find something similar that does. This one is nearly perfect. The pagination feature really is the only thing missing.

    Maybe even the ability to choose more than one channel in the gallery. For example, under the setting for user, it could be: user=”user1,user2″ (this would be helpful for those who have multiple channels).

    Hi guys, the plugin seems to have a pagination option. But it just doesnt work, does nothing when clicked. Others in this support forum seem to have the same issue.

    Do you aswell? I love this plugin but pagination is a must for me. Appreciate any help and opinions given, cheers

    +1 to adding pagination. Great plugin, thanx!!

    Plugin Author PoseLab



    Pagination is added by default in shortcode. You can see in demos. If you want to control pagination in shortcode: thumb_pagination=”1″

    See in documentation:

    Show pagination: It shows a simple pagination with Next and Previous buttons, and information of page number and total pages. Take into account the warning from google: “Please note that the value is an approximation and may not represent an exact value. In addition, the maximum value is 1,000,000”. I have observed that this value does not work properly on Youtube accounts with many videos. Shortcode attribute: thumb_pagination; values: 0 or 1 (default). (Optional).

    Awesome! Then this plugin is the best choice out there :)Thank you PoseLab.

    Sorry it works ! The cache must have updated or something like that. Thanks!

    Im having the same problem as Manu.. does nothing when clicked.

    Others in this support forum seem to have the same issue.

    Please have a look into this issue. Thank you!

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