• Hi, I get many articles and e-mails sent in to my site for publication on the site and at current I do all this by hand, it is very time consuming as I have to format e-mails, spell check, make sure they are not offensive etc. and then I have to add them to pages and contact sender to say its been published. However I’m wondering if this could be done with WordPress?


    Reader goes to “send in an article” page on my WordPress site, on that page there will be a form and some buttons to bold words etc and a spellchecker, they then press submit when finished writing an article in the form which goes to my WordPress admin where after I verify it, I can post it onto the site live and it automatically sends the contributor an e-mail with a link to the published piece.

    Is there such a plugin available? I would seriously pay good money for such a plugin as it would save me lots of time and increase the flow of content on my site.

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  • The way I wrote the code for gamecraftersguild.com, the post is created but if it is submitted by a subscriber it is left in “draft” state. An email is then sent to _all_ the admins (user level 10). The admins can then edit the post and publish it.

    When I put it together in a plugin I think I’ll add an option that you specific what user level, role, specific users or specific email addresses are used.

    I’ve got about a dozen sites (mine and clients’) that would benefit from use of a plugin of this nature. Hope you’re moving along on it!

    Okay, it’s nearly ready. All the functionality (that I planned for) is in, however I haven’t done any documentation or made it ready for translations and there is at least one other feature I believe needs to be there.

    But I don’t want to keep people waiting so you can grab a “pre-release” of it here:


    Just extract the files to a sub-directory of your plugins directory called TDOMiniForms.

    Leave feedback here.

    Great idea. Like many admins I know my userbase has absolutely zero interest in registering and logging in to submit content even when they stand to benefit. The admin panel is too jarringly different from the rest of the site for me to even allow such a thing, and it wasn’t designed with customization in mind, as the front-end is. This plugin provides a bit of a fix for this tricky situation…

    I think it has a new URL too:

    Thank you. I’ve recently been doing lots of updates on it. WordPress 2.1.2 port, bug fixing (now works in Chinese, Firefox, etc.)

    BTW The old link should still work. It redirects to the new link.

    thanks for this really helpful plugin!

    So basically, it’s a plugin that lets NON-registered users Submit a post which is sent to the Drafts (without them having to register or login, and without going into the Dashboard and Admin area).

    Pretty cool!

    it’s like a Comment or email form, but it puts the writing into the Posts or Drafts area

    Thanks. You can also allow registered users submit posts without giving them any extra rights too. The plugin is in a bit of a static mode at the mode. Can’t do any dev for a while (2nd baby on the way), but plans are for lots of interesting features.

    Like what, more interesting features, have you thought of for it?

    Good luck w/ your next child


    This has got to be one of WordPress’ most useful plugins.

    I am just beginning development of a WordPress site that will represent a community of artists. The main feature we are trying to implement is allowing individual artists to post about news, community events, etc on the site itself (as opposed to the wordpress admin section).

    Your plugin is EXACTLY what I was looking for.

    Thanks for giving this away for free. And once we raise some sort of web development budget (hard to do when working with artists) I’ll do my best to donate for all the time you’ve put into this.


    Thanks ywamer! I’m glad you find it useful.

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