• Resolved webgyrl


    Hi! I wonder if anyone knows anything about this.

    I had a site hacked and as we ran scans, my partner noticed this on one of the sites we have WP SmushIt installed:
    Universal decode regex match = [universal decoder]

    Does anyone know if this is legit or something I should be wary of?


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  • Umesh Kumar


    Hey @webgyrl,

    The file is included in smush, and “Universal decode regex match = [universal decoder]” seems to be some sort of output from your software probably? Or is it the content of the file on your server?

    Thanks, Umesh

    Thread Starter webgyrl


    This is in the file contents:

    [ SNIP! ]

    A site was hacked and there were a bunch of suspicious looking files that came up.

    I don’t think this code belongs in there.

    I am going to delete WP Smush it and RE-install a fresh copy of the plugin and then check the file.


    Thread Starter webgyrl


    Hmmm strange. When I install a fresh copy via the Add new Plugins I still see that code there. Can someone confirm that that code is legitimate please?


    Umesh Kumar



    As I mentioned earlier, the file is part of the plugin and the code inside it should be this: https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/wp-smushit/trunk/extras/dash-notice/wpmudev-dash-notification.php

    But I’m not aware about this: Universal decode regex match = [universal decoder]

    Thread Starter webgyrl


    Hi Umesh,

    OK thanks for linking that file with the contents.

    This: Universal decode regex match = [universal decoder]
    Is what came back from a deep scan of the files to scan for known malware or PHP vulnerabilities.

    It just gave a warning, but I am assuming from what you have showed me that this is a false positive warning. I will disregard.



    can you please share what scanning solution you are using? We might take a look and see how to prevent false positives in the future.


    Thread Starter webgyrl


    Hello Ivan,

    We used cxswatch Scanning on the server.

    Hope that helps, if not I can ask my partner (who does all this stuff) for more details.


    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by webgyrl.


    that should be enough, thank you very much.

    Thread Starter webgyrl


    No problem. Thanks for clarifying it all for me.


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