• J


    During installation of my new website I’ve discovered something strange.

    I was able to upload files when I was using the wordpress basic installation. So uploading with the WP media uploader worked fine.

    However, I was not able to upload files with plugins like NextGen gallery or the Photocrati Theme. The directories were open to the world (chmod 777), but in NextGen gallery I got an HTTP error 403…

    My solution is to add this code to .htaccess

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    	SecFilterScanPOST Off

    But I do have some questions:

    • Why is there a difference between uploading with wordpress and uploading with plugins?
    • And is this a good solution for the problem or is there a better one, since I don’t know the effect this fix has on site security…

    I would welcome your ideas!


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