Is this a Trojan Spam? Check this out
I am getting this strange “comment”, over and over again and it’s not being identified as spam despite my having Askimet and Bad Behaviour:
Check it out, it looks dangerous:
123 | [email protected] | | IP:[12:13:25]: ********************************************************************************
COM+[12:13:25]: Setup started – [DATE:03,07,2006 TIME: 12:13 pm]
COM+[12:13:25]: ********************************************************************************
COM+[12:13:25]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = com
COM+[12:13:25]: INF VERSION (com) = 2001,12,4414,42
COM+[12:13:25]: Instantiating CMasterNT5Wks
COM+[12:13:25]: Memory usage for setup process…
COM+[12:13:25]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 28900 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 23084 Kb
COM+[12:13:25]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 53 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 52 Kb
COM+[12:13:25]: PeakPagefileUsage: 25644 Kb, PagefileUsage: 17884 Kb
COM+[12:13:25]: MTSS: Answer File =
COM+[12:13:25]: Calling SetupOpenInfFile.
COM+[12:13:25]: Unable to open Answer File!!
COM+[12:13:25]: DRID-39104 -> Path: C:\WINDOWS\Java\Trustlib\
COM+[12:13:25]: Installed COM product version =
COM+[12:13:25]: SETUP VERSION =
COM+[12:13:25]: Installation Mode = FRESH
COM+[12:13:25]: Setup Mode = CUSTOM
COM+[12:13:25]: DRID-39103 -> Path: C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\ODBC\Data Sources\
COM+[12:13:25]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0
COM+[12:13:26]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com
COM+[12:13:26]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C-,R-
COM+[12:13:26]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0
COM+[12:40:17]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com
COM+[12:40:17]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 1
COM+[12:40:17]: Start OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Component = com Subcomponent = com
COM+[12:40:17]: End OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Return Value = 0
COM+[12:44:20]: Start OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Component = com Subcomponent =
COM+[12:44:20]: End OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Return Value = 0
COM+[12:44:20]: Start OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Component = com Subcomponent = com
COM+[12:44:20]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R-
COM+[12:44:20]: Reading persistent registry values
COM+[12:44:20]: Finished reading persistent registry values, retval = 0×0
COM+[12:44:20]: Queuing file ops for component com, Section Name: com_install
COM+[12:44:20]: The following files will be copied:
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsnap.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comuid.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsvcs.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrv.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvut.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatex.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvps.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\stclient.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comrepl.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comaddin.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\colbact.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comadmin.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\mtxdm.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\mtxex.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\mtxlegih.dll
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\dcomcnfg.exe
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comexp.msc
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comrepl.exe
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comempty.dat
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comrereg.exe
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\migregdb.exe
COM+[12:44:20]: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\mtsadmin.tlb
COM+[12:44:20]: The following files will be deleted:
COM+[12:44:20]: Nuke registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\COM3\Setup.
COM+[12:44:20]: DRID-39105 -> Path: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Men£ Inicio\Programas\
COM+[12:44:20]: End OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Return Value = 0
COM+[12:44:21]: Start OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Component = com Subcomponent =
COM+[12:44:21]: End OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Return Value = 0
COM+[12:44:21]: Start OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Component = com Subcomponent = com
COM+[12:44:21]: End OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Return Value = 120
COM+[12:44:21]: Start OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Component = com Subcomponent =
COM+[12:44:21]: No PendingFileRenameOperations
COM+[12:44:21]: End OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Return Value = 0
COM+[12:44:22]: Start OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Component = com Subcomponent = com
COM+[12:44:22]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R-
COM+[12:44:22]: Stopping service ComSysApp…
COM+[12:44:22]: Stopping service ComLB…
COM+[12:44:22]: Stopping service SENS…
COM+[12:44:22]: Stopping service EventSystem…
COM+[12:44:22]: Stopping service SENS…
COM+[12:44:22]: Stopping service fax…
COM+[12:44:22]: Stopping service w3svc…
COM+[12:44:22]: Stopping service smtpsvc…
COM+[12:44:22]: Stopping service iisadmin…
COM+[12:44:22]: End OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Return Value = 0
COM+[12:45:22]: Start OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Component = com Subcomponent =
COM+[12:45:22]: No PendingFileRenameOperations
COM+[12:45:22]: End OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Return Value = 0
COM+[12:45:35]: Start OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Component = com Subcomponent = com
COM+[12:45:35]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R+
COM+[12:45:35]: Queuing reg ops for component com, Section Name: com_install
COM+[12:45:35]: Registering TypeLib: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\mtsadmin.tlb
COM+[12:45:35]: SetFileAttributes returned 0×80070003 for menu item C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Men£ Inicio\Programas\Herramientas administrativas\Explorador de servicios de componentes.lnk
COM+[12:45:35]: Creating menu item for Servicios de componentes.
COM+[12:45:35]: Nuke registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{182C40F0-32E4-11D0-818B-00A0C9231C29}.
COM+[12:45:35]: Schema version is 0; schema is incompatible
COM+[12:45:35]: Running command: C:\WINDOWS\System32\com\migregdb.exe 0 “C:\WINDOWS\INF\COM39C.tmp”
COM+[12:45:35]: MigRegDB sucessfully migrated the incompatible schema
COM+[12:45:35]: Nuke registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\COM3\Setup.
COM+[12:45:35]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll.
COM+[12:45:35]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll
COM+[12:45:35]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll
COM+[12:45:35]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL
COM+[12:45:35]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL
COM+[12:45:36]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsnap.dll.
COM+[12:45:36]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsnap.dll
COM+[12:45:36]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsnap.dll
COM+[12:45:36]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsnap.dll
COM+[12:45:36]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsnap.dll
COM+[12:45:36]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\comuid.dll.
COM+[12:45:36]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comuid.dll
COM+[12:45:36]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comuid.dll
COM+[12:45:36]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\comuid.dll
COM+[12:45:37]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\comuid.dll
COM+[12:45:37]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsvcs.dll.
COM+[12:45:37]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsvcs.dll
COM+[12:45:37]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comsvcs.dll
COM+[12:45:37]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\comsvcs.dll
COM+[12:45:37]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\comsvcs.dll
COM+[12:45:37]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrv.dll.
COM+[12:45:37]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrv.dll
COM+[12:45:37]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrv.dll
COM+[12:45:37]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\catsrv.dll
COM+[12:45:37]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\catsrv.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvut.dll.
COM+[12:45:38]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvut.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvut.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\catsrvut.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\catsrvut.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatex.dll.
COM+[12:45:38]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatex.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatex.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatex.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatex.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvps.dll.
COM+[12:45:38]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvps.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvps.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvps.dll
COM+[12:45:38]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrvps.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\stclient.dll.
COM+[12:45:39]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\stclient.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\stclient.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\stclient.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\stclient.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\comrepl.dll.
COM+[12:45:39]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comrepl.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comrepl.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comrepl.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comrepl.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\comaddin.dll.
COM+[12:45:39]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comaddin.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comaddin.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comaddin.dll
COM+[12:45:39]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\comaddin.dll
COM+[12:45:40]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\colbact.dll.
COM+[12:45:40]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\colbact.dll
COM+[12:45:40]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\colbact.dll
COM+[12:45:40]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\colbact.DLL
COM+[12:45:40]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\colbact.DLL
COM+[12:45:40]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comadmin.dll.
COM+[12:45:40]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comadmin.dll
COM+[12:45:40]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comadmin.dll
COM+[12:45:40]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comadmin.dll
COM+[12:45:40]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Com\comadmin.dll
COM+[12:45:40]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\es.dll.
COM+[12:45:40]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\es.dll
COM+[12:45:40]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\es.dll
COM+[12:45:40]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\es.dll
COM+[12:45:41]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\es.dll
COM+[12:45:41]: Registering C:\WINDOWS\System32\txflog.dll.
COM+[12:45:41]: Before call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\txflog.dll
COM+[12:45:41]: After call to LoadLibrary – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\txflog.dll
COM+[12:45:41]: Before call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\txflog.dll
COM+[12:45:41]: After call to DllRegisterServer – Module: C:\WINDOWS\System32\txflog.dll
COM+[12:45:41]: Before RegisterComEventClasses
COM+[12:45:41]: AFter RegisterComEventClasses
COM+[12:45:41]: Memory usage for setup process…
COM+[12:45:41]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 63328 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 60536 Kb
COM+[12:45:41]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 98 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 97 Kb
COM+[12:45:41]: PeakPagefileUsage: 42908 Kb, PagefileUsage: 33048 Kb
COM+[12:45:41]: Obtained dispenser and secadmin
COM+[12:45:41]: Deleting legacy COM+ roles
COM+[12:45:41]: Writing existing users in roles to inf file
COM+[12:45:41]: Creating COM+ objects
COM+[12:45:41]: Processing TID_COMPUTERLIST table
COM+[12:45:41]: Processing TID_LOCALCOMPUTER table
COM+[12:45:41]: Creating COM+ partitions
COM+[12:45:41]: Processing TID_APPLICATIONPARTITION table
COM+[12:45:41]: Creating COM+ applications
COM+[12:45:41]: Processing TID_APPLICATION table
COM+[12:45:41]: Processing tidCOMSERVICES_SERVICES table
COM+[12:45:42]: Creating COM+ components
COM+[12:45:42]: Processing tidCOMSERVICES_CLASSES_INTERNAL table
COM+[12:45:42]: Setting COM+ component class descriptions
COM+[12:45:42]: Creating COM+ custom activators
COM+[12:45:42]: Processing TID_CUSTOMACTIVATOR table
COM+[12:45:42]: Creating COM+ System Application Service
COM+[12:45:43]: Deleting legacy COM+ roles
COM+[12:45:43]: Creating COM+ roles
COM+[12:45:43]: Processing tidCOMSERVICES_ROLEDEFINITION table
COM+[12:45:43]: Processing tidCOMSERVICES_ROLECONFIG table
COM+[12:45:44]: Processing tidCOMSERVICES_ROLESET table for partitions
COM+[12:45:44]: Processing tidCOMSERVICES_ROLESET table
COM+[12:45:44]: Creating COM+ interfaces
COM+[12:45:44]: Processing tidCOMSERVICES_CLASSINTERFACE table
COM+[12:45:44]: Creating COM+ methods
COM+[12:45:44]: Processing tidCOMSERVICES_CLASSITFMETHOD table
COM+[12:45:44]: Processing tidCOMSERVICES_CLASSITFDISPID table
COM+[12:45:44]: Adding COM+ roles to applications
COM+[12:45:44]: Updating COM+ roles
COM+[12:45:54]: Setting COM+ System Application as system
COM+[12:45:54]: COM+ Successfully Activated
COM+[12:45:54]: Memory usage for setup process…
COM+[12:45:54]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 63328 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 61052 Kb
COM+[12:45:54]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 98 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 97 Kb
COM+[12:45:54]: PeakPagefileUsage: 42908 Kb, PagefileUsage: 33088 Kb
COM+[12:45:54]: Backup RegDB file to ‘C:\WINDOWS\System32\emptyregdb.dat’.
COM+[12:45:54]: Upgrading CRM:
COM+[12:45:54]: Creating CRM log directory ‘C:\WINDOWS\Registration\CRMLog’
COM+[12:45:54]: Upgrading CRM: Done
COM+[12:45:54]: Before Event System Store Migration
COM+[12:45:54]: MigLCE sucessfully migrated the Event System store.
COM+[12:45:54]: After Event System Store Migration
COM+[12:45:57]: Warning: error 0×8007054b in IsWin2001PrimaryDomainController
COM+[12:45:57]: Machine is not a PDC
COM+[12:45:57]: ProcessDSSchema succeeded: 0×0
COM+[12:45:57]: Writing persistent registry values
COM+[12:45:57]: Finished writing persistent registry values, retval = 0×0
COM+[12:45:57]: End OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Return Value = 0
COM+[12:45:57]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com
COM+[12:45:57]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R+
COM+[12:45:57]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 1
COM+[12:46:16]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = com
COM+[12:46:16]: Stopping service COM+ System Application…
COM+[12:46:16]: Memory usage for setup process…
COM+[12:46:16]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 74092 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 57988 Kb
COM+[12:46:16]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 99 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 92 Kb
COM+[12:46:16]: PeakPagefileUsage: 45660 Kb, PagefileUsage: 33968 Kb
COM+[12:46:16]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0
COM+[12:50:50]: ********************************************************************************
COM+[12:50:50]: Setup finished – [DATE:03,07,2006 TIME: 12:50 pm]
COM+[12:50:50]: ********************************************************************************
COM+[11:19:22]: ********************************************************************************
COM+[11:19:22]: Setup started – [DATE:03,29,2006 TIME: 11:19 am]
COM+[11:19:22]: ********************************************************************************
COM+[11:19:22]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = com
COM+[11:19:22]: INF VERSION (com) = 2001,12,4414,42
COM+[11:19:22]: Instantiating CMasterNT5Wks
COM+[11:19:22]: Memory usage for setup process…
COM+[11:19:22]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 14048 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 11208 Kb
COM+[11:19:22]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 45 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 44 Kb
COM+[11:19:22]: PeakPagefileUsage: 10720 Kb, PagefileUsage: 10192 Kb
COM+[11:19:22]: MTSS: Answer File =
COM+[11:19:22]: Calling SetupOpenInfFile.
COM+[11:19:22]: Unable to open Answer File!!
COM+[11:19:22]: DRID-39104 -> Path: C:\WINDOWS\Java\Trustlib\
COM+[11:19:22]: Installed COM product version =
COM+[11:19:22]: SETUP VERSION =
COM+[11:19:22]: Installation Mode = MAINTENANCE
COM+[11:19:22]: Maintnenance Mode = ADD_REMOVE
COM+[11:19:22]: DRID-39103 -> Path: C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\ODBC\Data Sources\
COM+[11:19:22]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0
COM+[11:19:26]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com
COM+[11:19:26]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C-,R+
COM+[11:19:26]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0
COM+[11:19:28]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = com
COM+[11:19:28]: Stopping service COM+ System Application…
COM+[11:19:28]: Memory usage for setup process…
COM+[11:19:28]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 29584 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 23020 Kb
COM+[11:19:28]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 67 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 60 Kb
COM+[11:19:28]: PeakPagefileUsage: 15480 Kb, PagefileUsage: 14920 Kb
COM+[11:19:28]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0
COM+[11:19:28]: ********************************************************************************
COM+[11:19:28]: Setup finished – [DATE:03,29,2006 TIME: 11:19 am]
- The topic ‘Is this a Trojan Spam? Check this out’ is closed to new replies.