I just had to deactivate Flamingo.
When I go to my domainn ame with WWW the site does not work.
Displays a blank page when it should redirect to the domain without WWw.
Deactivate flamingo and WWW works.
Using Divi theme from Elegant Themes.
FYI, if the divi theme updater plugin is active, same thing happens.
Had to remove the theme updater and deactivate Flamingo to get the WWW to work.
Took me a while to figure out it was two plugins doing the same thing.
Also removed super cache, but mainly to be sure it was not giving me a hard time and just showing me blank pages.
I have 18 other plugins installed.
Everything is up to date.
Basic install, no customizations.
I dont check my email daily or come here daily, but i will check back should the plugin author want to talk to me.
Would like to help improve this good plugin.