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  • Plugin Author dFactory


    How can plugin authors answer your question? ??

    It works for us and many others. If this is effective enough? Everyone has it’s experiences.

    From my experience it’s extremely effective.

    But there might be other factors influencing you site – plugins, scripts, theme code. All this combined make your site secure or not.

    When it comes to Math Captcha itself – just give it a try, and you’ll have your own opinion.

    Bartosz / dfactory

    Hi @wptime,

    I checked my page source on my login screen, and while the equation is visible, the solution for the input field is not.

    Also, it looks like the equation is being cloaked somehow. In the page source, the equation appears as html characters which do not translate to the same numbers which are visible on the front-end of the page.

    For example, my page source displayed (minus all the html):

    INPUT × 1 = 9
    (The x and the 9 appeared as html characters and not numbers, but I can’t show that here…)

    But on the login front-end I saw:

    80 / 8 = INPUT

    I tested this a few times and the behaviour was always the same. That means that solving the equation based on the page source results in an incorrect answer.

    So, it looks like we’re indeed safe with this plugin! ??

    Plugin Author dFactory


    Each char in equatation in being independently encoded with a random seed then outputed in an ASCI format.

    So when you look at the page source you see something different that when you look at the page itself. How bots are accessing your site? Through the page source and that’s where they get lost.

    If you’d like to see how it’s being done in detail just look into the plugin core-class.php file.

    Bartosz / dfactory

    Thanks for explaining that ??

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