• I love the idea of this plugin, but it only works properly with WP Super Cache caching disabled. Has the developer abandoned the plugin? Are there any other still-alive plugins that provide a similar functionality? A quick search didn’t reveal any.

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  • dimal


    Works great with WP Super Cache.

    Maybe you do not understand how it works. Are you using a short code ?

    Thread Starter Ate Up With Motor


    I’m using it with Widget Logic and a function that’s supposed to check for the presence of a specific cookie before displaying the widget. This works perfectly with WP Super Cache disabled, but if I enable caching, the widget never loads



    Not a problem of this plugin or WP SC.

    Thread Starter Ate Up With Motor


    My goal is to enable users to selectively disable (and thus not display) certain widgets. Using Widget Logic, I set the AJAX widget to perform a specific logical test and then load or not load the widget accordingly.

    With WP Super Cache caching turned off, this works beautifully. The user can toggle the setting on or off, and as soon as they reload the page or navigate to a different page, the widget disappears or vice versa. As soon as I enable caching, however, the widget simply never loads regardless of user setting. It appears the cached page is created without the AJAX widget and is never recreated no matter what the user does. I have a hard time seeing how that is NOT a function of how the plugin interacts with caching, since the problem only occurs with caching enabled.

    I’m not a developer — I just want to be able to cache and have this Widget Logic function work at the same time, and this has been frustrating me for months! I’ve had to run without caching to get it to work.

    @dimalifragis Thanks for love and support.
    @ate-up-with-motor Yes still we support for this plugin. Can we have your URL to check what could be an issue

    Thread Starter Ate Up With Motor


    @dibyadas It’s https://ateupwithmotor.com.

    The AJAX widget is the PayPal button. I’ve used Widget Logic to give that widget the following condition:

    `has_consent ( ‘privacy-policy’ ) && is_allowed_cookie ( paypal-button )’

    This has two intended effects: The widget should not appear at all unless the user has clicked the bottom banner. If they reject the paypal-button cookies (which they can do from the Privacy Tools page, the second test will fail and the widget will disappear, even if previously loaded.

    These conditions produce the desired behavior if caching is disabled (which it currently is). However, if I enable WP Super Cache, the widget never loads even if the two conditions are met.

    I don’t know if there’s a better way to achieve the desired behavior — maybe the test needs to be wrapped into the widget code rather than using Widget Logic? I’m not sure.


    Thread Starter Ate Up With Motor


    The documentation for the GDPR plugin (here: https://gdpr-wp.com/knowledge-base/enabling-or-disabling-functionality-based-on-consent-and-cookies/) suggests wrapping the applicable code within an IF statement, e.g.,:

    if ( has_consent ( 'privacy-policy' ) && is_allowed_cookie ( paypal-button ) ) {
      // Run the code.

    I would think if the code within the AJAX widget were wrapped that way, rather than applying it to the widget itself with Widget Logic, the result would be that the widget would always load, but if the tests fail, the code within it would not and the result would be an empty widget with only a title (not the most elegant solution, but probably acceptable).

    However, if I add that code within the AJAX widget, it just outputs as plain text. In principle, the has_consent ( ) and is_allowed_cookie ( ) functions are supposed to be available in both JavaScript and PHP (and work that way with caching disabled).

    As you can see, I’m out of my depth, and I’m not sure if this is a plugin issue or, as @dimalifragis suggests, my fundamentally misunderstanding how the AJAX widgets are supposed to work.

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