• Hi there.
    Someone asked me to make his site theme mobile friendly, and he gave me his theme which is Twenty Eleven theme. I want to know is this theme mobile friendly at all of has some bugs on mobile displays ?
    Also is any recent updates to this theme, or will be in near future ? because I want to know if I want to make it responsive, should I make my changes as a child theme ? what’s the best way to change the source code of this theme ?

    Thanks in advance/

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  • Yes, it is always good practice to use a child theme. If you make customisations to a core theme, they will disappear when the theme is updated in the future.

    No, Twenty Eleven will not become Mobile Friendly in the future but you can install a Mobile Theme plugin such as WPTouch to serve your content to mobile devices.

    Hi SheldonNesdale!

    Do you know if this wonderful theme will be updated to wordpress 4.7?
    I use it now, and hoping to use it in the future.

    Best Regards
    Mikael Andersson

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