• It seems to me that SportsPress is getting a bit behind the times.

    The Gutenberg editor has been available on WP since Ver. 5 and we are now on Ver. 6.6.*. But it is nowhere to be found within SP for the Details area of Events, Players and whatnot.

    The Widgets are considered “Classic” now and are getting to the point where using them is getting to be more and more of a problem.

    It just seems like not much had been updated beyond tiny little things here and there. I fear the day that WP updates and SP gets broken completely.

    Is there anything coming or being planned? Is there a roadmap for the future development for SportsPress? Is Version 3 coming? v2.7 is now 4 years old and the original v2 is 8 years old.

    It would be nice to know what the plan is or if I need to start looking for a new solution.

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  • If their GITHUB page is any indication, I think it’ll be a while before we hit version 3. Development roadmap for SportsPress version 2.8 has been in the works since 2021 and I haven’t seen many updates to that other than some fixes and answers to people’s inquiries.

    I figured it was easier to apply some of the features listed in their 2.8 roadmap myself rather than wait for the version to be released.

    I hope that I am wrong and that we’ll see a full new release (3.0) with a lot of different tweaks/updates and new features but I’m also not holding my breath. Thankfully, sportspress does what I need it to do to run my ball hockey league – but I also don’t use Gutenberg

    Thread Starter craigcotner


    I run a college hockey site and my biggest concern is this plugin just being left behind. I have used it for quite a few years now and nothing has really been done other that a few tweaks like you mentioned. I love the plugin, but I just do not see much future proofing of it and have started to look elsewhere.

    I have also looked elsewhere and I still browse from time to time but I have yet to find that one that is both cost friendly and easy to use/manipulate and has third party themes/addons.

    I do share the same concerns and I hope that we’re wrong but that may be a bit hard to believe with the lack of actual updates and upgrades happening and no real updates on the sportspress website since I basically first heard of sportspress some years ago (or at least nothing substantial).

    I feel like the advanced h2h and game by game stats that Savvas created are the biggest ones we’ve seen in a while and those were made by someone who wanted those options and made them available.

    Thread Starter craigcotner


    I will stay with SP for now, the little things it has that my users really like are still very solid.

    I would like to see IMPORTING improved. Especially on the player side. To be able to pull in custom fields would be great. I have fields like Height, Weight, Home Town, and Class that I would love to be able to pull in for a player import. Class, as in what class a player is in college. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior and what not.

    I would also like to see EXPORT to CSV. I would love to export a team of players to CSV, update their class quickly and then reimporting the data. This is much faster than updating manually.

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