Is Version 3 coming???
It seems to me that SportsPress is getting a bit behind the times.
The Gutenberg editor has been available on WP since Ver. 5 and we are now on Ver. 6.6.*. But it is nowhere to be found within SP for the Details area of Events, Players and whatnot.
The Widgets are considered “Classic” now and are getting to the point where using them is getting to be more and more of a problem.
It just seems like not much had been updated beyond tiny little things here and there. I fear the day that WP updates and SP gets broken completely.
Is there anything coming or being planned? Is there a roadmap for the future development for SportsPress? Is Version 3 coming? v2.7 is now 4 years old and the original v2 is 8 years old.
It would be nice to know what the plan is or if I need to start looking for a new solution.
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