Is your question unanswered ?
If no-one has answered your post:
- Please remember that all the help given here is done so by other people just like you, and no-one is paid. There are no ‘WordPress Staff’. So being polite is #1
- You might be the first person asking to do something with WordPress. As the code inside expands so is the functionality – but someone always has to do something first. This could be you.
- You might not be the first, but unless someone else has done it AND has come back to the forum AND has seen your post AND will answer it, you may not get an answer simply because no-one else knows. It does happen !
Bumping your post is rude, but if you have waited over 24 hours and you have not had a response:
- Please do not post anything like “*BUMP* Does NO-ONE KNOW ????”. That’s a pretty good way of annoying the people who might have the answer. See the first point at the top.
- Add more information. It could be that there just isn’t enough information in your post or it is too confusing. You will know exactly what you mean – we need everything in detail
- Check your language. If you have used abbreviations, or have used technical jargon it may be working against you. Use regular language. (Remember too that shortening words in ANY way makes these forums much much harder to use for non-english speakers).
- Tell us what you have done to try and work things out. If you just *BUMP* it looks like you’ve sat there for hours waiting on someone else. You probably haven’t but that’s what it looks like. Tell us what you have done and what happened. Every bit of information helps.
We don’t ignore posts, but if you help us to help you then your chances of getting what you need increase greatly.
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