I would like to add that this also affects other values such as “%” or “,” and also happens with radio buttons.
I’ve been trying to figure this out for quite some time now, as you might see from my other entrioes, this finally seems to be it.
Here’s some code to replicate, Send PDF version 0.9.9.
Test form code:
E-Mail* [email* your-email]
Checkbox Without:
[checkbox checkbox-without use_label_element "selten 0-20" "wenig 20-40" "medioker 40-60" "?fter 60-80" "meistens 80-100"]
Exclusive Checkbox With %:
[checkbox checkbox-with-percent use_label_element exclusive "selten 0-20%" "wenig 20-40%" "medioker 40-60%" "?fter 60-80%" "meistens 80-100%"]
Checkbox With /:
[checkbox checkbox-with-slash use_label_element exclusive "selten/0-20" "wenig/20-40" "medioker/40-60" "?fter/60-80" "meistens/80-100"]
Radio With Both:
[radio radio-with use_label_element default:1 "selten/0-20%" "wenig/20-40%" "medioker/40-60%" "?fter/60-80%" "meistens/80-100%"]
Radio Without:
[radio radio-without use_label_element default:1 "selten 0-20" "wenig 20-40" "medioker 40-60" "?fter 60-80" "meistens 80-100"]
[submit "Senden"]
Mail Code:
Checkbox Without:
Exclusive Checkbox With %:
Checkbox With /:
Radio With Both:
Radio Without:
Send PDF code:
Checkbox Without:<br />
[checkbox-without]<br />
<br />
Exclusive Checkbox With %:<br />
[checkbox-with-percent]<br />
<br />
Checkbox With /:<br />
[checkbox-with-slash]<br />
<br />
Radio With Both:<br />
[radio-with]<br />
<br />
Radio Without:<br />
Mail result:
Checkbox Without:
?fter 60-80
Exclusive Checkbox With %:
?fter 60-80%
Checkbox With /:
Radio With Both:
Radio Without:
?fter 60-80
PDF result:
Checkbox Without:
?fter 60-80
Exclusive Checkbox With %:
Checkbox With /:
Radio With Both:
Radio Without:
?fter 60-80
This did work before version 0.9.5 I believe and it would be great if it did again sometime soon ??
Thanks and best wishes,