Thanks for your help James Huff(MacManX)
I get a clear idea from the screenshots which you give
But when we changing the file peermission to 777 is not good for the website
That related article is given below can u give me a suggestion Iam very confused
The dangers of 777
The crux of this permission issue is how your server is configured. The username you use to FTP or SSH into your server is most likely not the username used by the server application itself to serve pages.
7 7 7
user group world
r+w+x r+w+x r+w+x
4+2+1 4+2+1 4+2+1 = 777
Often the Apache server is ‘owned’ by the dhapache or nobody user accounts. These accounts have a limited amount of access to files on the server, for a very good reason. By setting your personal files and folders owned by your user account to be World-Writable, you are literally making them World Writable. Now the dhapache and nobody users that run your server, serving pages, executing php interpreters, etc.. will have full access to your user account files.
This provides an avenue for someone to gain access to your files by hijacking basically any process on your server, this also includes any other users on your machine. So you should think carefully about modifying permissions on your machine. I’ve never come across anything that needed more than 767, so when you see 777 ask why its necessary.
The Worst Outcome
The worst that can happen as a result of using 777 permissions on a folder or even a file, is that if a malicious cracker or entity is able to upload a devious file or modify a current file to execute code, they will have complete control over your blog, including having your database information and password.