• Hello.
    This Plugin works well,but has a issue on Internet Explorer.

    1.Access [https://example.com/member?a=pwdchange], shows login form.
    2.After logged in, move to [https://example.com/member] and show Membermenu page.
    3.Click a link for Password change, and move to [https://example.com/member?a=pwdchange].
    At this time, login form shows again although already loggedin.

    If I refresh the page(by F5 key),shows Password change page correctly.
    It looks like Browser chache make this issue.
    This doesn’t happen on Chrome or Safari.

    I added these code to <head></head> but did not work.
    http-equiv=”Pragma” content=”no-cache”
    http-equiv=”Cache-Control” content=”no-cache”

    Is there any way to solve this issue?


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  • Plugin Author Chad Butler


    It looks like Browser chache make this issue.

    If it works in other browsers, I would agree it is likely a browser cache issue. I would also look to see if cookies are blocked (or are being correctly set).

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