Question 1 (From us to PayFast):
Can you please confirm the following:
"can you ask plugin dev or payfast should ['setup']['split_payment'] be excluded from signature string ?"
Can you please answer this question? Its from our developer.
Answer 1: The split payment parameters needs to be sent in the setup and it is not calculated in the signature
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Have a wonderful day.
Question 2 (From us to PayFast):?
If ['setup']['split_payment'] must be excluded, why it is not so in your plugin?
Answer 2: Our plugin developers came back and mentioned that the source is added by WooCommerce and setup is a Payfast field, but neither should be calculated in signature (see?
Final Conclusion:
['setup']['split_payment'] is to be removed by Woocommerce from payment signature within PayFast plugin to resolve split payment signature mismatch.