• When i set many plugins, like 30+ plugins to page type, and save it, it works. Then, when i go to the “Page type filter activation” and try to make my selections there, when i click the “activate plugin entry”, it takes me back to the filter registration tab and it did not save my filter activations that i wanted.

    I don’t know if it’s a problem with having more than a certain number disabled? I’ve tried to pinpoint it to a specific plugin but i have not found a specific one.

    In your experience why does this happen? I don’t see any js errors either in the console.

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  • Plugin Author enomoto celtislab


    I can’t reproduce the problem in my environment.
    Does this bug occur only when there are a lot of plugins?

    Thread Starter 121940kz


    Yes it seems only when many plugins, 32+ plugins and setting them all to page type, then setting the filter activation on all of those. Maybe this is the key, you have to set something on the filter activation for all the plugins and when you save, it causes this behavior

    Plugin Author enomoto celtislab


    I’ve tried it with 32+ plugins and it didn’t cause any problems.
    I’m sure there’s some other condition, but I don’t know.

    Thread Starter 121940kz


    I found the issue, in my server’s logs i found this error resulting from the plugin:

    PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars

    So what i had to do was in php.ini add/edit the max_input_vars directive to be higher. I set it to 5000 and it works great now even with that many plugins.

    Hopefully this helps others that might run into issues. Thanks!

    Plugin Author enomoto celtislab


    Thank you for resolving the issue and reporting back on the measures taken!

    I was able to reproduce it in my environment when I specified a small value for max_input_vars.

    Make a note to check the value of max_input_vars if you are filtering a lot of plugins in the documentation.

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