• I am encountering an issue on my website regarding the display of logos on the Case Study page. The logos are being displayed in multiple lines, as shown in the attached screenshot. This results in repeated rows of the same logos across the page.

    Issue Details:

    • The Case Study page is identified as a post type archive.
    • I am unable to find or access this page in the WordPress admin area for editing.
    • The logos are duplicated in multiple rows, which seems like a bug or unintended behavior.

    Steps Taken So Far:

    1. I have checked the WordPress admin panel but could not locate the page for direct editing.
    2. I’ve verified that the page is associated with a custom post type archive but haven’t been able to find the proper settings or template to resolve the issue.

    Request: Could you kindly investigate and assist with the following:

    • Help me locate the correct way to edit the post type archive page (Case Study).
    • Provide guidance on how to prevent the duplication of logos on this page.
    • If this requires modifying the theme files or a specific template, please provide the necessary instructions or assistance.

    I have attached a screenshot showing the issue for your reference.

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  • Hi @shwetashinde31 ,

    It looks like I couldn’t find any attached screenshot in your post, as file attachments aren’t supported on the WordPress support forum. To help us better understand the issue with the logos on your Case Study page, please share the screenshot through a different method. You can use services like Imgur, Lightshot, or Snipboard to share your screenshots easily.

    The forum user guide also contains further information on how to use screenshots here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/forum-user-guide/block-editor/#adding-screenshots

    Thread Starter shwetashinde31


    Thanks @threadi I uploaded the screenshot, @asifsiam97 and in the screenshot, I blurred the logos, but I hope you will get the idea from the image. Here you can see multiple lines of logos are visible on the case studies page, and we just want to show the only single lines of logos. and we are unable to edit the case studies page.

    You can’t really answer this question without having seen the site. How you arrange things depends on the theme used and, if applicable, the page builder. Since we don’t know these details either, we can’t say any more about this.

    It might make more sense to contact the support team for your theme.

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