• Resolved melodiejane


    Hi there

    I am currently using your plugin to manage my bundles and am finding it very useful. However, I am running into a few issues when it comes to the inventory. My shop consists solely of bundles. I have created individual products for each item within the bundles but have hidden these individual products to the public. The individual products are used in different combinations in multiple bundles. Is it possible to keep track of stock counts for each individual product so that when one individual product goes out of stock, every bundle containing that individual product will also go out of stock? (I do not want the customer to be able to buy the bundle unless all products within it are in stock)

    Example: If I have products A, B, C, D, E – my bundles could be Bundle One (made up of A,B,C) and Bundle Two (made up of A, B, D, E). If I only have one of product A in stock, I would like to know that once someone purchases Bundle One (made up of A,B,C), will it then change the status of any bundle containing product A to be out of stock? (i.e. once Bundle One is purchased, both Bundle One and Bundle Two will then be out of stock and customers will be unable to be purchase these bundles even though the other products included in the bundle may still be in stock.)

    Is there a way to achieve this? Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

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  • Plugin Author WPClever


    Hi @melodiejane ,

    We’ve received some reports about individual inventory problem with our Product Bundles plugin, and our developers are working positively together to fix this alongside other current issues. The good news is we’re going to release a new update very soon for this plugin. Hence, please stay tuned.

    We’ll keep you informed and check back with you if the problem was solved. Thank you for your patience and support of our plugin.

    Thread Starter melodiejane


    Thanks for getting back to me @wpclever . I am looking to purchase the pro plugin. Before I purchase, can I confirm that the features I explained in my post above are something that are/will be possible to achieve in the current pro version or next update?

    Many thanks

    Plugin Author WPClever


    Hi @melodiejane

    I’ve checked with our developers that the request you made is actually how the stock management option works in our plugin. You can surely be confident to use this, but please make sure you choose this: Enable the stock management at the bundle level?”. See https://prntscr.com/owl5m8, this is the bundle settings under Smart bundle.

    This option will change a bundle from In stock ( can be added to cart) to Out of stock (the Add to cart button will be disabled) when either bundled item in the list is out of stock. To put it simply, the individual bundled item’s stock count will affect the whole bundle’s stock availability when enabling stock management at the bundle level.

    Hope you enjoy our plugin.


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