• Hi ya,
    In the Settings, i make the Default currency settings to the ones I want, but they don’t show up in the widget at all.

    It just always asks you to select the currencies from the the dropdown lists.

    This seems like a bug….

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  • Plugin Author Sabuj Kundu


    I think for technical purpose we coded like this. As we have multiple currency option, suppose in some way people select currencies which doesn’t include the default currency.

    Thread Starter Norman Cates


    But the default currencies we are offered are all the currencies that are available.

    It’s impossible to select a currency as default you don’t have available.


    Plugin Author Sabuj Kundu



    the plugin has multiple uses like shortcode, widget or direct function call. The default setting helps for shortcode and direct function call. as the widget still has visual interface it loads with default values from setting but still give you the option to choose.

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