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  • Hi,

    I update wordpress to 3.3.1 today and now I have this problem, except I have four additional sets of links and favourites appearing right at the top of my site (about the header).

    I’ve clicked through to your site and you seem to have resolved this. How did you do it?

    Does anyone know what might causing this?

    I’ve had to remove my Favorites page from my site for now ??

    Many Thanks,



    I update wordpress to 3.3.1 today and now I have this problem, except I have four additional sets of links and favourites appearing right at the top of my site (about the header).

    I’ve clicked through to your site and you seem to have resolved this. How did you do it?

    Does anyone know what might causing this?

    I’ve had to remove my Favorites page from my site for now ??

    Many Thanks,


    Hi guys,

    I discovered I had the same problem, and it’s two plugins interfering with one another. The problem seems to be Simple Facebook Connect, for me. Since there are so many FB plugins out there I’m just going to change the FB plugin I use.

    To figure it out, deactivate all plugins except for Favorite Posts and then reactivate all plugins one by one.

    Good luck,

    I have this problem as well. Deactivating other plugins did not help. Page source code shows the favorite post links are inserted in the header before the meta tags. Also shows up in the content as it should.

    I tried changing {{wp-favorite-posts}} to [wp-favorites-posts] but then no favorites appeared at all.

    I’m using the latest version of WP 3.4.1. WP Favorite Posts version 1.5.6

    i’m having the same problem, tried and deactivated the plugins and i discovered there was “WordPress Social Ring (Facebook Like, Google +1, ReTweet and Pin It)” which was interfering with the Fav posts plugin ??

    I’ve solved this using css. The top block appear for a second and goes in hidden. But after loading page looks fine now. Hope authors of the plugin will fix this soon.

    Here is the two links I’ve added to theme file style.css

    .page-template-default .wpfp-span { display:none !important; }
    .page-content .wpfp-span { display:block !important; }

    Hope this helps someone.
    [WP Version 3.4.2]

    Just a quick addition to nadula’s post. It works fine as long as you identify your own themes naming.

    Mine had ‘article’ instead of ‘page-content’ thus it needs to be edited as required.

    Also it only works properly when you are logged in as the text : “cookie warning text does not come under the wpfp-span” and will not be hidden by the code above. I just removed mine as I only want to allow registers users to favourite posts.

    Adding to nadula’s solution, I found a way to eliminate the “cookie warning” for users that are not signed in.

    You need to edit the plugin’s wp-favorite-posts.php.

    Down at the bottom you’ll see this code:

    function wpfp_cookie_warning() {
        if (!is_user_logged_in() && !isset($_GET['user']) ):
            echo "<p>".wpfp_get_option('cookie_warning')."</p>";

    Add a class to the <p> (be sure to use ‘ to name your class).

    Then you can use CSS to hide it as well. I gave the paragraph the class ‘hide-wpfp’ and used this CSS:
    /* Hide cookie warning in header */
    .hide-wpfp {display: none!important;}
    /* Bring cookie warning back where it is supposed to be */
    #content .hide-wpfp {display: block!important;}

    So for now that is working at Our Full Plate.

    If anyone finds a more elegant solution, please let us know.

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