• Hi, I wonder if someone could assist me with some issues around a new blog/template I have chosen.

    My site is https://affiliatebest.onlinefreecashpullingwebsites.com/blog/

    I really like the colour and general layout of the tabs etc but I have some isssues with:

    1) I would like to change the footer so that I could remove ‘Recent Posts, Meta, About Me’ and also remove the links in the lower right so that we are just left with the ‘powered by wordpress’

    2) I would also like to edit the wording and the associated links in the section named ‘Microfinance Empowers’ and the words below this in the same column. Alternatively could this be removed completely?

    3) Do you know how I would go about adding a double opt in button so that through WordPress I could possibly give them a free report for their agreement to email them by Name, Email Address.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


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