I had the same problem on a site after migrating from one hosting company to another. The values have been mangled by the migration. You will need to fix this directly in the database.
I wrote a code snippet you can use in your functions.php file if you are not comfortable access your database directly. No guarantees on this, but it should work. It is listed below these instructions for accessing your database directly.
Open your database as you normally would (such as using phpMyAdmin via cPanel or Plesk).
In the wp_options table (may have a different prefix than “wp_”), search for the row with the option_name of “tbt_templates” (without the quotation marks).
Change the option_value of this row to:
a:3:{s:6:"widget";O:27:"Testimonial_Output_Template":3:{s:8:"*_name";s:6:"widget";s:10:"*_syntax";s:468:"<li class="testimonial">
<div class="testimonial-gravatar">{{ gravatar }}</div>
<div class="testimonial-data">
<p class="testimonial-content">{{ testimonial_excerpt }}</p>
<p class="testimonial-author">{{ author_prefix }}{{ author }}</p>
{% if company_url %}
<p class="testimonial-company"><a href="{{ company_url }}">{{ company_name }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
<div class="tbtclear"></div>
</li>";s:15:"*_description";s:21:"Default widget syntax";}s:9:"shortcode";O:27:"Testimonial_Output_Template":3:{s:8:"*_name";s:9:"shortcode";s:10:"*_syntax";s:475:"<div class="in-content-testimonial">
<div class="testimonial-gravatar">{{ gravatar }}</div>
<div class="testimonial-data">
<p class="testimonial-content">{{ testimonial }}</p>
<p class="testimonial-author">{{ author_prefix }}{{ author }}</p>
{% if company_url %}
<p class="testimonial-company"><a href="{{ company_url }}">{{ company_name }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
<div class="tbtclear"></div>
";s:15:"*_description";s:24:"Default shortcode syntax";}s:7:"listing";O:27:"Testimonial_Output_Template":3:{s:8:"*_name";s:7:"listing";s:10:"*_syntax";s:475:"<div class="in-listing-testimonial">
<div class="testimonial-gravatar">{{ gravatar }}</div>
<div class="testimonial-data">
<p class="testimonial-content">{{ testimonial }}</p>
<p class="testimonial-author">{{ author_prefix }}{{ author }}</p>
{% if company_url %}
<p class="testimonial-company"><a href="{{ company_url }}">{{ company_name }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
<div class="tbtclear"></div>
";s:15:"*_description";s:22:"Default listing syntax";}}
Save this change. The default output templates should now appear in your admin area.
CODE SNIPPET for those who cannot or do not wish to access the database directly
IMPORTANT: delete this snippet after you restore the defaults, or it will rewrite every time you load a page.
In your theme’s functions.php file, add the following code snippet. You may need to add opening and closing php tags, but they will most likely already be in the file.
Once the snippet is in your functions.php file, browse any page of your site. Then delete the snippet from your functions.php file. The default output templates should now appear in your admin area.
// BEGIN Revert TB Testimonials output templates to default values (remove code snippet after repair)
add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'mip_reverttbttemplates' );
function mip_reverttbttemplates(){
global $wpdb;
$defaulttemplatevalue = 'a:3:{s:6:"widget";O:27:"Testimonial_Output_Template":3:{s:8:"*_name";s:6:"widget";s:10:"*_syntax";s:468:"<li class="testimonial">
<div class="testimonial-gravatar">{{ gravatar }}</div>
<div class="testimonial-data">
<p class="testimonial-content">{{ testimonial_excerpt }}</p>
<p class="testimonial-author">{{ author_prefix }}{{ author }}</p>
{% if company_url %}
<p class="testimonial-company"><a href="{{ company_url }}">{{ company_name }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
<div class="tbtclear"></div>
</li>";s:15:"*_description";s:21:"Default widget syntax";}s:9:"shortcode";O:27:"Testimonial_Output_Template":3:{s:8:"*_name";s:9:"shortcode";s:10:"*_syntax";s:475:"<div class="in-content-testimonial">
<div class="testimonial-gravatar">{{ gravatar }}</div>
<div class="testimonial-data">
<p class="testimonial-content">{{ testimonial }}</p>
<p class="testimonial-author">{{ author_prefix }}{{ author }}</p>
{% if company_url %}
<p class="testimonial-company"><a href="{{ company_url }}">{{ company_name }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
<div class="tbtclear"></div>
";s:15:"*_description";s:24:"Default shortcode syntax";}s:7:"listing";O:27:"Testimonial_Output_Template":3:{s:8:"*_name";s:7:"listing";s:10:"*_syntax";s:475:"<div class="in-listing-testimonial">
<div class="testimonial-gravatar">{{ gravatar }}</div>
<div class="testimonial-data">
<p class="testimonial-content">{{ testimonial }}</p>
<p class="testimonial-author">{{ author_prefix }}{{ author }}</p>
{% if company_url %}
<p class="testimonial-company"><a href="{{ company_url }}">{{ company_name }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
<div class="tbtclear"></div>
";s:15:"*_description";s:22:"Default listing syntax";}}';
$revertquery = "UPDATE {$wpdb->options} SET option_value = {$defaulttemplatevalue} WHERE option_name = 'tbt_templates'";
// END Revert TB Testimonials output templates to default values