• Hi,

    Just upgraded to 3.8.14. I have been reading the issues about the state field not being included after upgrading (which mine wasn’t) I added it back and that seems to work fine now. However I have “Allow shipping same as billing” is enabled but it does not work. when I fill out the billing fields then click the check box and when I go to click the “Shipping same as Billing Address” check box both sets of filed disappear off the checkout form.

    Also, here is some feedback from users of the site about the checkout form. There are so many things that just don’t’ work as most users expect such as if you have a fixed shipping amount why do you force the user to pick a country and or country/state when you are collecting this info in the billing address already? it’s double work for them. Also the flow of the form is very confusing for most users. This is the feedback I have been receiving from my client’s users and wanted to pass it on.



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  • This is something bothering me too,it just doesent make sense. Also It could happen that the customer leaves the first country(domestic) like it is default under the checkout, this is where the shop calculates the shipping rates from and enters a different country for his address. Then he does pay the domestic shippment which is lower then the other countrys, then the trouble starts, I have to contact the cusomer for this and get the rest from them.

    This is something bothering me too,it just doesent make sense. Also It could happen that the customer leaves the first country(domestic) like it is default under the checkout, this is where the shop calculates the shipping rates from and enters a different country for his address. Then he does pay the domestic shippment which is lower then the other countrys, then the trouble starts, I have to contact the cusomer for this and get the rest from them.

    I’m pretty sure that can’t happen in 3.8.14. It was something we intentionally tried to avoid. Under the hood the country, region/state, and the postal code fields are the same fields that are used in the shipping section of the checkout form. SO changing the country in the calculator should change the country in the shipping form.

    If you are seeing something different on 3.8.14 please post back some more details so we can fix it.

    I’m facing similar problem as well.

    – All fields under Shipping details remain empty even though “Shipping same as Billing Address” is checked.
    – Changing the country in the calculator does not change the country in the shipping form like it used to.

    Any fix?

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