If memory serves me correctly (as this was originally posted quite awhile back), the reason I had posted a second time, was to offer more information on the situation, to help give more insight as to what was happening. My apologies for “bumping” this thread; I was not aware of this action and term, as I do not spend a lot of time in forums. Thank you for clarifying, and I’ll be more careful in the future not to do this again.
Regarding the question itself, I’m not sure if this is a common occurrence, but seeing as this post has gone unanswered for four weeks and cannot be deleted, I’d like to offer anything I can in terms of how to help the situation, in case members come across this entry, looking for help in similar instance.
Things to take into consideration: I am the Administrator on the site, still I cannot view any of the Subscribers, although the number totals 141 Subscribers (screenshot, with All selected): https://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w61/ruby_dragon_JD/subscriberScreenshot_zps566788bc.jpg
Another school of thought, is that I’d used a CSV importer to bring in all of the subscribers from the original website, which was simply hosted by the WordPress.com platform, and I’m uncertain if this is a factor, but maybe the names were not imported properly, maybe due to differences in field information? Or differences between bringing in WordPress.com subscribers into the self-hosted version(?) I have nothing to compare this to, so I’m not sure if this is even relevant.
At this point, all I know is that, since we cannot view the users (this will make things difficult if we need to delete someone who is being disrespectful in commentary, etc.), all users will be deleted completely, and I understand that this may only be done from the database side.
*I’d just signed up as a test subscriber on my own website, and when signed in as the Administrator, I am able to see the test subscriber’s account, as well I can delete it if I want or need to: https://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w61/ruby_dragon_JD/testSignUp_zpsa2e1573c.jpg
In the end, maybe I just found a new way to break something on WordPress hehe. I hope no one else runs into this scenario!