Issues with new update
We are using your plugin on our website and have just updated to the latest version but when we did the formatting (font sizes, layouts etc) of all out FAQs was changed. We have reverted back to the old version now but is there a reason for this?
Hi 99,
Was this after updating specifically from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3? Or do you mean after updating from 1.x.x to 2.x.x?
Were you making use of the Custom CSS box in the Basic area of the settings? If so, it could be that some of the selectors that were modified (to standardize the code across the whole plugin) need to be adjusted in your custom CSS. If that’s the case, and you wouldn’t mind sharing your custom CSS, I can help you with that.
Hi Jay,
Thanks for replying so quickly. We updated from 1.9.11 to 2.0.3.
If you’re asking whether we have added custom CSS in FAQs -> Options -> General -> Custom CSS (on this screen we haven’t.
This is just the formatting of each FAQ and the FAQ menu screen and we’ve used Elementor to do this. Everything was okay before the update but afterwards all of the formatting we set using Elementor has been deleted.
If it helps you can see the differences in the screen shots from the old version to the new versions below:
Before Update ScreenshotsAfter Update Screenshots
Hi 99,
I guess, in that case, it would depend on how you have it set up in Elementor. We test using the default WordPress page editor, and then also provide options in our plugin, such as the Custom CSS area, to modify the layout of the FAQs.
Our plugin is not designed or tested for you to be able to use Elementor to alter it. With that in mind, how are you altering it with Elementor? Is it using CSS? If so, the same elements I mentioned in my previous reply (about the modified selectors) could apply.
If you add the FAQs to a new page with Elementor and make some modifications, does that then work? If you modify the existing page (that no longer has the old styling/formatting), does that work? (i.e. Is the issue just that the styling/formatting in Elementor didn’t transfer over between versions, or is it that you can no longer at all do what you used to be able to?)
Hi Jay,
To edit the FAQs we just selected the blue ‘Edit with Elementor’ button at the top of the screen ( and then it opens the normal Elementor editor (
We use this method to make all of the pages, posts etc on our website.
I have just updated to the latest version of the plugin and added FAQs shortcode to a new page and the issue is still the same. I’ve also made a new FAQ and edited it with Elementor but the changes made in Elementor didn’t seem to have any effect on the FAQ. It is still possible to edit the FAQs with Elementor but the changes to seem to have any impact on the way the FAQ looks.
Hi 99,
Ok, thanks for the clarification. The FAQs use a custom post type, so the post edit screen should function and save the same as regular posts in WordPress. If I understand you correctly, they do. Just none of that is output/applied on the front end. That could be either because Elementor’s styling is not enqueued on your FAQ page (something we would not be able to help with) or because our styling is overwriting the Elementor styling (something we might be able to help with). If you would be able to share a URL at which I could see your FAQ pages, I can take a look to see if it’s either of these. (I tried going to the URL visible in the screenshot, but it looks like you have your site protected/in a maintenance mode.)
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
Hi Jay,
Sorry, you should be able to see the page from the following link now.
We have the newest version of your plugin active now.
I looked at the FAQ you reference in your first post (Things You’ll Need) that was constructed with Elementor and I don’t see anything in the source code that would identify any extra formatting, etc. For example, I would expect to see some extra divs around the elements in the post if Elementor were adding stuff, or, at the very least, some CSS being applied to the existing elements by Elementor. The following screenshot shows that only the code from our plugin is being output on the front end:
I was thinking that maybe the Elementor code would be there, but our plugin was just overwriting its styling, and was hoping to provide some CSS to help with that. But there is nothing there from Elementor. Would you be able to roll back our plugin to version 1.9.12 (you can download past versions here: or use a plugin like WP Rollback) and then check to see if the Elementor formatting comes back? If so, could you let me know when that’s active, so I can check the source code again and see what it’s supposed to look like?
Thank you
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
Hi Jay,
Sorry for the late reply. I’ve rolled back the FAQ plugin version to 1.9.11 which is the version we were using before I think. Everything is displaying as it was now so you should be able to see what the FAQ should look like.
If there’s anything else I can do to help let me know and thanks for your help.
It looks like the page is back to being restricted. Are you able to place this on a page that can be left public for the time being? In most cases, unfortunately, we will not see your post or be able to reply immediately.
Hi Jay,
I don’t think I can make part of the site available, the plugin that we’re using restricts the whole site. Is there a way I can send you login details so you can access the site?
Hi 99,
That is against the WordPress forum rules and not something we’d be able accept or do.
What you could do is visit that page (with the old version of the plugin active and all the Elementor elements displaying correctly) and then view the page source code, copy it, save it to a text file and provide that, so we can see what extra elements are getting included inside the container for that FAQ.
Hi Jay,
I’ve made text file and you should be able to download it from Dropbox via the link below.
Thank you for that. So, there is definitely a ton of Elementor code in the FAQ posts. For example:
This happens without making any changes at all to the FAQ? i.e. For the exact same FAQ, if you have version 1.9.x of our plugin, the post outputs all of the Elementor code, but, if you just update to version 2.0.x of our plugin, with no changes made to the FAQ, all of that code that you see in the screenshot is just stripped away/left out? That’s really strange.
Are you able to go into an FAQ post (i.e. the edit screen) that is currently designed with Elementor and then choose to edit that post with the regular editor? If so, that should show you all the extra code/shortcodes/etc. that Elementor is adding to the post. Would you be able to copy that and save it to a text file and provide it as well? I really don’t know why or how that could be happening as a result of the update, so I’m hoping that, if we know the exact type of content that is being stripped, we’ll be able to run tests that can shed some light on this.
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
Hi Jay,
We made all of the FAQ’s just by doing the following
FAQ Dashboard -> Add New -> Give FAQ a Title -> Publish FAQ -> Edit FAQ with Elementor -> Edit the FAQ as required and then save.This has worked great for us, even when we have processed previous updates, until the most recent update. Like you said it seems to have removed all of the Elementor code.
I’ve answered your questions below, hopefully it all makes sense but let me know if you need any more info.
Are you able to go into an FAQ post (i.e. the edit screen) that is currently designed with Elementor and then choose to edit that post with the regular editor?
Yes, I just created an FAQ edited it with Elementor and updated it. I then Switched to the WP editor, Elementor did show a warning saying ‘Your current layout, design and content might break.’ but it didn’t. I was able to edit the FAQ using the regular WP editor and the FAQ was updated as expected. This is with version 1.9.11.When I updated to the newest version of the plugin (2.0.8) we can edit the plugin with Elementor but it only edits the content and not the layout of the FAQ. I’m guessing there something in the new version that means it ignores the code created by Elementor.
If so, that should show you all the extra code/shortcodes/etc. that Elementor is adding to the post. Would you be able to copy that and save it to a text file and provide it as well?
I’ve created a new FAQ category called ‘Testing’ and in there is one new FAQ called ‘New Test FAQ’. This was created using Elementor. I’ve copied four versions of the code for the page that this FAQ in on.
The first is the code when the FAQ is set to the Elementor editor using version 1.9.11
The second is the code when the FAQ is set to the WP editor using version 1.9.11
The third is the code when the FAQ is set to the Elementor editor using version 2.0.8
The fourth is the code when the FAQ is set to the WP editor using version 2.0.8 if I wasn’t clear, but I actually meant for you to do what you did while on 1.9.11 (i.e. “I just created an FAQ edited it with Elementor and updated it. I then Switched to the WP editor”), but with the newer version (2.0.x) of our plugin enabled. As soon as you switch back to the regular WP editor, I was thinking that it would show a bunch of Elementor code in the editor. Usually page builders have code/shortcodes that formulate their designs and that, when their builder is disabled, then just shows as code in the WP editor. I was hoping that seeing that code would provide an indication as to what type of content is being stripped.
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This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
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