Issues with Payment on checkout page
We are facing an issue while doing payment with debit ad credit cards (stripe payment gateway) on our WP woo-commerce site. When the customer tries to do payment with any of the cards, An error displaying on the checkout page “We were unable to process your order, please try again”, If the customer tries again with the same card, the order successfully placed and redirected to the thank you page after that.
So why such an issue comes while doing payment the first time on the checkout page and successful of another attempt after refill card details. Please help us to fix this issue ASAP.Site URL:
test product URL: is a log of recent payment failure on the first attempt using Woocommerce stripe.
Please help us to fix this issue ASAP.First Customer: [email protected] Second Customer: [email protected] 2020-12-18T06:22:13+00:00 INFO Webhook notification received: Event: customer.created. 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- The topic ‘Issues with Payment on checkout page’ is closed to new replies.