• The plugin organizes your media when you upload it all right, the problem is you need to pay the premium version when you need to actually use this organization feature and retrieve the pictures (i.e. when adding an image to a post). The plugin does not replace the original add or upload picture dialog. A workaround is to search in the media library after the folder name. Even if it is not shown it will filter images based on it.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by dpacks.
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  • I recently started using it and find that after reorganising the confuddle left by the core system (and a few forays into media plugins which turned out to be less helpful than they promised) I have been able to organise the layout to a more logical structure.

    — ads (media used in the few ads onsmy site)
    — embellishment (mainly logos, badges and decoration)
    — events (contains images only used in events)
    ——- 2018
    ———– 01
    ———– 02
    ———– …
    — magazine (archived pdfs of my magazine’s print edition)
    ——- 2018
    ———– 01
    ———– 02
    ———– …
    — news (news items)
    — pages (images used in static pages)
    ——- 2018
    ———– 01
    ———– 02
    ———– …
    — places (images of venues used throughout the site)
    ——- BlandfordForum
    ——- FontmellMagna
    ——- SturminsterNewton

    The biggest, busiest part of my site is a calendar which aggragates events for my part of the world so it gets very cluttered with ephemeric media. It also has a news section and local archive so also has a requirement for a growing collection of static media.

    I give each media item a human friendly name and upload it to where I think its logical home should be. When I add it to a post/page/event I can search for it using the name I’ve given it, and check the URL in the media selector to confirm that I’m using the one from the right folder.

    I tend to clear down the events calendar to get rid of past events. So – as it’s now well into 2018/02 I know I can delete all media for 2018/01 events without accidentally deleting places images which will be needed again (if not already in use), media used on static pages, media used in the news section etc.

    I don’t use the premium version of the plugin. The free version is working well enough for me at present – but it is early days yet.

    Hope this helps.

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