Hi @petepaulgrannen ,
For your information, for the Quick View popup to be triggered, there are some required elements from the theme or template on user’ site. Obviously, there is NO single plugin can fit all kinds of themes. You had mentioned one example before ours, right?
Our plugin is supposed to work with the most common and popular WooCommerce themes only. Some themes that users consider as standard, in fact, are not optimized for WooCommerce.
Maybe our plugin is not compatible with the theme you are using. That is an issue BETWEEN the theme and the plugin, not FROM our plugin.
You can check our live demo here to know that our plugin is always tested up to the latest version of WordPress and WooCommerce: https://demo.wpclever.net/woosq/. We only keep a pure installation of WooCommerce, WordPress and our WPCstore theme when troubleshooting issues. I can confirm that this is a compatibility issue, not an issue within our plugin.
Some functionalities, such as Quick View, Compare and Wishlist are dependent on the theme installed. They can’t work alone, right? Chances are the theme you’re using might lack certain elements for some plugins to function properly. It’s unfair to blame our plugin when the background for it to work lacks certain elements.
You can test it on your own, with only WooCommerce and our plugin, on any WPC theme here https://profiles.www.ads-software.com/wpclever/#content-themes , or at least, please use the Storefront theme (a true WooCommerce theme from Automattic) so you can see if our plugin is useless or not.
We have more than 70.000 active installations, which means it’s working just fine for 70.000+ sites. I believe you can judge the quality of our plugin from that piece of information.
It’s frustrating to see bad rating like this because the theme they use doesn’t allow our plugins to work properly on. Instead of taking tests, it’s easy to blame us than to investigate the causes.
We hope that you can kindly investigate or take some tests from your end again to confirm this and give us a fairer review.
Best regards.