When there’s an incompatibility, the issue is always which piece is at fault. Sometimes, neither are at fault as well.
In any case, I would bet that Minify HTML will work just find with Slider Revolution if you set the settings to be compatible. This is exactly why there’s settings for Minify HTML, so you can turn on/off settings for compatibility reasons.
In the FAQ section for Minify HTML, it describes the following:
Are there any settings for Minify HTML?
Yes. Under the Settings menu in the admin console there’s a Minify HTML menu item which allows you to modify Minify HTML settings.
Set all settings to “No” and then see if everything works. If so, try turning on each setting till Slider Revolution fails. Then you’ll know what’s causing Slider Revolution to fail. Just leave that setting off so Slider Revolution doesn’t fail. Once you know what’s causing Slider Revolution to fail, you could contact them and let them know how they could fix their plugin to be compatible with minification.