• I want to used this free plugin with only 1 post sharing daily but i use this 1st day. 2nd day some of social media accounts blocked and some of refused to publish. you need to specify limit of sharing. there is no link settings all post has same feature image.
    also biggest break is, title length for sharing, logn title can’t be published, not what is this haha.

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  • Plugin Author FS Code


    Hi there!

    What social networks blocked your accounts?

    FS Poster uses social networks’ official APIs to share posts. Social networks would not block you from using their API.

    Please go to the FS Poster logs tab. If you get any errors, hover over the error button https://prntscr.com/ustb3d. So, it will show us the error reason, and provide some screenshots or upload screenshots to https://prnt.sc/ and provide the URL to us. For instance, https://prntscr.com/pyyksq

    By default, the plugin shares the link of the post on social networks and they fetch posts from your website.

    Best Regards,
    FS Poster.

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