• anonymouse54


    The author doesn’t know the basics of user interface design. You click on Images, wait, then up comes a list of unused images, no mention of the actual number, no ability to select one or more, no control over pagination. In the case I’m looking at – 24 pages of x images per page. It’s a backup so I can test it. I click on the Delete All button, confirm … and absolutely bugger all happens, still have 24 pages of images. Then I do another search and it comes up with … no images but still pages 1-24 and Next.

    So god knows what it has (or hasn’t) done. A complete and utter pile of shite.

    … but it might just prompt me to dust off my coding skills with a view to cranking out something better than this.

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  • Thread Starter anonymouse54


    .. update.
    After trying to delete the lot and I can still end up with an empty list but pages 1-24 and Next. Click on a page number, say 12 and up pops a list.

    Tried deleting a page of images by individually clicking Delete each … I get an empty list but still pages 1-24, and I can click on a page link and get a list.

    … anything in the log files? How the hell this developer expects people to pay for a Pro version. What planet is he on with this pile of shite.

    Looking at the options this is good.

    Number of images show on 1 page
    A big number can kill your browser

    Pagination max size This will limit the pagination size

    Plugin Author nicearma


    Hello, well i will try to answer all yours problem,

    You click on Images, wait, then up comes a list of unused images, no mention of the actual number

    I don’t what do you mean with this? you want to now how many unused image are in your site? This can be tricky, if you have a big site, the amount of time the plugin have to take for get this information will be big, if you study computer science you will know that this is a exponential search, so this can be take to many memory and time, and time out can be throws, another problem with this is i have to make table in your site, to save the information, and i think this will polluting your site.

    no ability to select one or more

    You have one delete button in every image, and you have one delete all button, i had the ability to select one or more, but i think that having this new way was enough, if you see the the support thread you will now that i help and include feature asked by the user.

    no control over pagination

    You have the “Pagination max size” option

    In the case I’m looking at – 24 pages of x images per page. It’s a backup so I can test it. I click on the Delete All button, confirm … and absolutely bugger all happens, still have 24 pages of images. Then I do another search and it comes up with … no images but still pages 1-24 and Next

    Did you check the option page?? I give you the option to only see the image not used, with the “Show used image” and “Show ignored sizes” so if you unchek this, you can have “blank” pages, because the used image and sizes in the image tab are hide.

    So god knows what it has (or hasn’t) done. A complete and utter pile of shite.

    Sorry for you if this the only king of type of review you can done, you are probably some kind of lonely person

    … but it might just prompt me to dust off my coding skills with a view to cranking out something better than this.

    If you don’t understand the code, your level is really basic, all code are made in the simplest way.

    After trying to delete the lot and I can still end up with an empty list but pages 1-24 and Next. Click on a page number, say 12 and up pops a list.

    Again read the option page

    … anything in the log files? How the hell this developer expects people to pay for a Pro version. What planet is he on with this pile of shite.

    The are other plugin that make the same, you can download the other and work with them, i can tell you i will no lost anything not working you

    Number of images show on 1 page
    A big number can kill your browser

    Pagination max size This will limit the pagination size

    I had my own way to warning people like you, this plugin use a lots of JS, and if you have a limit computer, charging to many image can kill your browser, this is the limit of your browser, not my fault, in have 2 computer, one with 8 core, 8 GB RAM and in my own blog with 10000 image i able to get all 10000 image, in the other i have only 2 core and 2GB RAM and if i put 500 the browser begin to have problem, noting work because the memory and process power are not enough.

    Like i told you, i think you have to search another plugin, the are 2 or 3 that seem work fine.

    Writing this kind of review is sad, the only thing i can say, is that your seem a frustrated and lonely person, and you can not give useful review.

    But because i’m a nice guy i will take some useful information about this, i will put the show unused and ignore image direct in the image tab, and show how many image are hide.

    Like you told, you can make your own plugin, good luck (not in sarcastic way), having other plugin like this is important, diversification is the force

    Plugin Author nicearma


    I added better user experience for people like you (the show used image if their are hidden and the 3 counts, the first for how many original image have your site, how many image are used and unused in the page)

    Wonderful response, @nicearama ??

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