• Resolved veioviss


    Are there any updates on the issues with “Achievements” not showing up in the Buddypress profiles? I also sent you an email a few days ago describing the problem.

    The badges ajax does not work as well if there is only one achievement type.

    This was reported by others before but no fix for this was found. This is really frustrating. I had high hopes to work with BadgeOS but now I have to forget about this because it simply does not work and there is no sense in having an achievement system nobody can see.


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  • Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    What version are you running? I’m not able to reproduce any issues with this at the moment. I have set up a simple case of two achievement types and 1 achievement in each. I then awarded a user both, and both are showing up in the achievements profile tab in my BP profile.

    Any extra details that you can provide that would help me reproduce your own issue would be helpful, absolute last resort I want is login credentials to your site.

    Not seeing an email in my inbox about this, but I prefer not doing 1-1 support whenever possible so that’s not a bad thing in my mind. Better to do it here when possible.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Any info for my questions above veloviss? I would love to get your issues resolved ??

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