Hi @geodgeod,
Thanks so much for providing your feedback! Hopefully we can improve Total Upkeep based on your experiences.
But they consistently nag you to use their other products – leave reviews and so on.
YouTubers are always asking for “like, subscribe, and comment on my video!” because the YouTube algorithm uses that info to determine whether or not to show that video to users in the search results.
WordPress does the same thing. The more positive ratings a plugin has, the better that plugin will rank in the search results. That’s why it’s important for us to increase the number of reviews we have. Not only does it help with rankings, but it also tells us whether or not the plugin is actually helpful to people.
Would you be willing to provide additional feedback to help us? What changes would you make to make notices feel less like “nagging”?
Also, the “nag” to use other BoldGrid products? Where are you seeing that – in the plugin, via email, or somewhere else?
Thanks and I hope to hear from you!
– Brad