1. Switch on Maintenance mode
    2. Set an end date. If the date is before or equal to the current date, redirects or messages will not fire. Currently an end date must be set!
    3. Set message intervals. By default it is set to 0, this will make your redirect or message fire every time someone accesses your websites WooCommerce page. Make sure yours is set correctly to the frequency you wish and when changing this, make sure to use the ‘Delete all cookies’ button before setting your new value. (Remember cookies are stored in the browser so if using a different device/browser to test, the already set cookies will need to expire naturally on that device/browser first, or you will need to login to your Dashboard from that device/browser and then use the ‘Delete all cookies’ button to manually delete them from there.)
    4. Display Options. Redirect.
    5. Open new incognito mode window to check it.Done.

    On Page and Lightbox don’t work very well.

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