• The next version of WordPress is coming along nicely, but it now needs a good hit of testing and bug finding.
    Want to join in ?

    Qualifications to help :
    1 – A test install wordpress
    2 – see (1)
    No knowledge of PHP is needed at all.

    It starts on Saturday and there is a Codex page with a lot more information here:

    Benefits ?
    – the more bugs that are caught and dealt with means you have helped bring forward the next release
    – you’ll get to play safely with the shiny new code
    – you’ll get to chat to Skippy and others on irc

    If you want to get Xampp installed and ready, there are details here (updated today):

    Remember, you do NOT need to know ANY code. If you can test code and say “Yep, that breaks it!” or “Works perfectly” then that’s a huge help and lots of the above is all that’s needed.

    See you saturday then ??

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  • Count me in ; )sounds awesome!

    What do I need to know about Trac? I’ve never used it and I don’t think I would want to learn everything about it.

    ” Brush up on the WordPress Coding Standards for any patches you may submit.”

    Any reference for how to create patches?

    Trac does a lot of things, but for Saturday we’re concerned primarily with the ticketing system for reporting bugs and requesting features.

    https://trac.www.ads-software.com/report presents several pre-defined reports to use. The ones most important for Saturday are these:
    Full list of open bugs: https://trac.www.ads-software.com/report/12
    Bugs with patches: https://trac.www.ads-software.com/report/14
    Bugs needed patches: https://trac.www.ads-software.com/report/13

    Using these reports, we can work through the list of bug reports. People without coding experience will be asked to test the patches already submitted, and confirm whether the patch fixes the bug. People with coding experience will be asked to submit patches for the tickets that lack them (and then the non-coders will test these!).

    If you use Subversion and check out the WordPress source, you can use the svn diff command to compare the difference(s) between your local working copy and the server’s copy. This should automatically create an output usable by the patch utility on GNU/Linux and Mac OSX systems.

    (Sorry, I don’t use Windows, so I can’t help too much here; but several folks on Saturday should be able to!)

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    For anyone who wants to help but so far it all looks waaaay too geeky, worry not.

    Get xampp installed.
    We’ll provide an easy download of the code, and it won’t be anywhere nearly as scary as you might be thinking.

    I have just set up an automated process to create a snapshot of the Subversion repository. Every thirty minutes it will perform a Subversion check out and then zip the files for you.

    You can download the snapshot here: https://www.skippy.net/wordpress/

    This way, you can help us out without worrying (yet) about learning Subversion!

    Here’s a little something I just thought about for people who don’t have decent text editors with find in projects or don’t know how to grep.


    A cross-reference of the WordPress trunk code, updated daily.

    Well it looks like the bug hunt is underway already and we have 27 bugs squashed so far!

    Go squashers go! (Can’t help out today but cheering y’all on none-the-less. Plus, I noticed the reference to a line from Aliens)

    A little update, we’ve now squashed over 50 bugs, thanks everybody that’s come out so far, and let’s keep up the good work.

    So when do we get an alpha/beta forum here again so I can follow what is going on?

    great! start by fixing the RSS feed impossibility wordpress has become so famous for.
    here’s a clue:
    try and pretend Human Beings are trying to use it ??
    have fun

    Don’t know what you are going on about as the feeds in WP have been just fine for a long while now.

    When “feed:” was added to the default theme feed link, I just googled it and, voila, confusion cleared, protocol understood, and issue resolved. I can’t believe the number of people who continue to start threads on this dead issue.

    “The trouble with the average human being is he thinks he’s above average intelligence.” … and doesn’t research and learn but expects, and often demands, to be spoon fed the answer. It is a feedback loop which ensures the average human being remains below average in intelligence ??

    Trac ticket 989 (and several duplicates) requested that we remove the feed: protocol specification on feed links. Personally, I (and several others) think that’s a wonderful idea; but Matt feels strongly enough about advancing this into a real standard, and none of us are able to present a compelling counter-argument. So it stays.

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