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  • Very good, is worth studying, welcome come to my medicine blog.

    “quarterwater never goes out of style baby” lol. i like.

    i like too.

    I’m not sure about all of the absolute positioning though. (see:

    And I think it would look a lot better if the whole design was centered.

    would your mind critiquing my website?

    I like the 3 column layout, but more over you have great content.

    I like the layout, but It’s not a good idea to use a image for the navigation. I suggest to remove the image(upper_nav.jpg) from the navigation and use a normal text link instead.

    [sid moderated]

    Took me sometime to find the time to actually do this and it’s not completely finished yet but I think some exposure would be fine.

    Check out and let me know what you think.

    I like it but have a question. I think all your comments are closed. can people make comment posts on your site?

    Thread Starter dabigny


    Ok. Well the site is my first CSS task. I usually do the design and the PHP stuff but I figure it was time to try my hand at CSS. Therefore there is a lot of work to be done on the site until it’s “great” in my eyes. Also I’ve closed the comments until I design it. I know it should be a snapped but you wouldn’t believe how busy I am. Plus, I didn’t really think people would really want to leave comments; I mean this is just a place for me to voice my thoughts on stuff. Still I should have them up soon tho.

    I will consider turning the navigation into text.

    I don’t know if I have great content but I like to think I’m a pretty smart and interesting guy who has smart and interesting things to say.

    Keep the advice coming. It’s all good.

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