• I have installed this plugin in almost all my clients. Unfortunately, every day I get more and more messages from my clients wanting to remove it. The questions it asks are getting too frustrating, and e-commerce clients spend too much time answering them. The questions that it asks just take too much time for visitors to complete, and most of them are getting to their nerves.

    Then there’s the thing with spamming, you should expect those questions will solve your issues, yet we’re still getting spam comments on most websites. The plugin is also incapable of understanding which IPs are the admins, which makes all of us keep using it just to log in to our websites and there’s no option to undo this. It also doesn’t remember that we’ve already logged in.

    Unfortunately, this is the last time I’ll be installing or recommending this plugin, especially for e-commerce websites.

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  • Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    We appreciate all feedback, but we noticed several issues with your review that make it difficult for us to assist you effectively.

    1. Support Requests: We have no record of you reaching out to our support team. Posting a negative review without giving us a chance to help you is unfair. Our team is always ready to assist with any issues you encounter.
    2. Lack of Specificity: Your review lacks specific details and could apply to any anti-spam plugin. To address your concerns, we need more concrete examples of the problems you faced.
    3. Plugin Identification: You did not mention the e-commerce plugin you are referring to. This omission makes it challenging for us to pinpoint and address the issues accurately.
    4. Attribution of Issues: You did not clarify whether the problems you experienced are indeed caused by our plugin. Without identifying the plugin by name, we cannot investigate or confirm this.
    5. Questionable Intent: Given the points above, your review appears to be an attempt to discredit our team without providing evidence or allowing us a chance to rectify any issues. The lack of specifics and the nature of your comments suggest that this review might be intended to harm our reputation or work on behalf of a competitor rather than provide constructive feedback.

    We are committed to improving our products and services, and we encourage you to contact our support team directly with detailed information so we can assist you better.

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