Hey Brody. Thanks for the follow-up here and for sharing this link. I appreciate you taking the time to do so and apologize that the plugin didn’t work out for you. From what I can tell, this does seem to be more than just a plugin bug…which unfortunately limits the level of support we can provide here at the dot-org forum.
We really do our best to help in these situations and though it looked as if you thought Jonah was just “playing dumb”, please understand that he was legitimately trying to assist (and that comments like that the “playing dumb” remark be construed – by people doing support such as Jonah and myself – as somewhat hostile). The calmer we can all remain in dealing with support issues, and this is for everyone on both sides of the equation, the more often cooler heads will prevail…and the more often we can reach a solution that satisfies everyone.
On your specific issue there, I see our power user Andy Fragen has replied with a possible solution. Maybe that would help you out?