• Plugin Author zaus


    If you’re looking for help with your integration:

    1. Please consider including the debug email contents (scrubbed for sensitive/personal information). If it’s really long (i.e. the response has a bunch of HTML) then please use pastebin or something similar. This is so we can tell what’s happening and if you’ve set up the integration incorrectly.
    2. There’s nothing in the submission! — please make sure you’ve mapped to what’s being posted. Look at the debug email in the *** Post (Form) *** section to see what’s available. Use one of the keys (the stuff in [] brackets but use without the brackets) as the “Source” field.
    • Ninja Forms – provides field ids (numbers)
    • Gravity Forms – provides machine names (input_123)
    • Contact Form 7 – you make up the machine name (your-email)
    • As a (recent) convenience, my plugin will also add the field labels to the ‘post’ section for Ninja and Gravity forms
    • I keep getting service error emails, even when debug mode is turned off — you’ve probably misunderstood the success clause. If you enter something in the “Success Condition” and that exact text is not present in the service response body then your attempt will be considered a failure; you always get “debug” emails for service failures.
    • Please refer to the following example debug email for help understanding what it means. My comments are in the mustaches {{ }}.

      *** Service ***
      {{ how the integration is set up }}
          [name] => Your service
          [url] => https://www.yoursite.com/wp-content/plugins/forms-3rdparty-integration/3rd-parties/service_test.php
          [forms] => {{A list of the contact forms it's attached to, with plugin prefixes}} Array
                  [0] => njn_6
                  [1] => cf7_32
                  [1] => gf_9
          [success] => {{what to expect in the service response; if not found it will send you an error email}}
          [failure] => {{how to report a problem on the frontend}}
          [timeout] => 10 {{how long to wait after sending}}
          [mapping] => {{what you've entered in the mapping table}} Array
                  [0] => Array
                          [lbl] => {{A helpful label for you to remember what this is}}
                          [src] => 17 {{should correspond to something from the 'Post' section, either machine id or field label depending on the contact plugin.  Case sensitive.}}
                          [3rd] => expected_destination_field {{will be how the value is sent to the service}}
                  [1] => Array
                          [lbl] => last name
                          [src] => Last Name
                          [3rd] => dest_lname
                  [2] => Array
                          [lbl] => the contact's email, we should save this and chat them up
                          [src] => Email
                          [3rd] => email
          [separator] => , {{what to use when combining multiple post values in the same service field}}
      *** Post (Form) ***
      {{ what a user provided from the contact form }}
      	{{ some contact plugin machine ids}}
          [17] => FTEST
          [18] => LTEST
          [25] => 123 yourstreet
          [26] => ***
          [20] => nb***s@***.com
          [21] => (559) ***-****
          [24] => TEST TEST TEST
          [22] =>
          [28] => *****
          [29] => unknown
          [32] => ****
          [33] => Internet Ad
          [34] => ***
          {{ the same posted values, just using the form field label rather than machine id }}
          [First Name] => FTEST
          [Last Name] => LTEST
          [Street Address] => 123 yourstreet
          [Email] => nb***s@***.com
          [Phone] => (559) ***-****
          [Send Us a Comment] => TEST TEST TEST
          [Send Message] =>
          [Record Type Lead] => ******
          [Company] => unknown
          [Lead Owner ID (house2)] => ******
          [Lead Source] => Internet Ad
          [Lead Source Details] => *****
      *** Post (to Service) ***
      {{ what the plugin is sending }}
          [timeout] => 10
          [body] => Array
                  [expected_destination_field] => FTEST
                  [dest_lname] => LTEST
                  [email] => nb***s@***.com
      *** Response ***
      {{ what came back from the endpoint }}
          [headers] => Array...
          [body] => {{ literally whatever the service endpoint responded with.  If you set something in the <code>success</code> section, it should be present here }}
          [response] => {{ HTTP status codes, also used to determine success/failure }} Array
                  [code] => 200
                  [message] => OK
          [cookies] => Array...
          [filename] => ...


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