@nlpro ,
As always, thanks for your input. Yes, we did that but nothing related revealed.
However, in the larger scheme of things, we performed additional testing only to find out that WordPress’ Site Health tool is also flagging many other plugins, although our website is running great. Site Check is a new WP tool that is creating a lot of issues for many. Mainly:
(1) It creates several security holes by exposing potential website weaknesses.
(2) For those striving to have the “perfect website,” it’s driving many developers to fix inconsequential issues identified by WordPress’ Site Health tool thus creating other secondary, performance issues (in many cases). This article sheds more light on the topic (and many more out there).
So, in short, we decided to get rid of WordPress’ Site Health tool by adding the following code to our website (via the Code Snippets plugin, not our functions.php file):
// disable the site health menu
function escode_remove_site_health_menu() {
remove_submenu_page( ‘tools.php’, ‘site-health.php’ );
add_action( ‘admin_menu’, ‘escode_remove_site_health_menu’ );
// block the site health page screen
function escode_block_site_health_access() {
if ( is_admin() ) {
$screen = get_current_screen();
// if screen id is site health
if ( ‘site-health’ == $screen->id ) {
wp_redirect( admin_url() );
add_action( ‘current_screen’, ‘escode_block_site_health_access’ );
Done. No worries anymore. It we want to reactivate the tool, all we have to do it turn it back on via the Code Snippets toggle switch.