• As everyone’s surely heard by now, iTunes 4.9 with podcasting support is out. It has a fairly complete directory, but with very little metadata on each podcast.

    Apple has published a document with some RSS 2.0 extensions to fill in that missing metadata. I’m going to begin work on implementing those specifications in the WordPress RSS script ASAP, because I want my podcast to be usable within the iTunes directory sooner rather than later.

    My question is: is anyone else working on this, or does anyone have an interest in it? If it’s easy to do, I’ll wrap up the extensions in a plugin. If it’s not, I’ll just hack the PHP and share the changes here. I’ve never written a plugin before, however, and my time is extremely limited, so I may ask for help on the packaging-and-polishing part if anyone’s willing. Thanks.

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  • Anyone got any ideas on why the &xxxx; apostrophes and curly quotes are appearing as code in iTunes

    so wait, i am a bit thick today. [very hot weather here] you are suggesting i should use neater url to get it to work? or what?

    edit: i just went ahead and tried that, yet now iTunes is messing with me. it tells me: “it appears the feed has already submitted. in fact two feeds do show up, but both list mp3’s from all my categories, not from my podcast category alone. hmmm

    @jbisjim: care to share the kevin devin rss feed rework you did?

    As you have index.php in your url paths, I assume that you don’t something called mod_rewrite installed on your server. Therefore the https://www.xxxxxx.com/archive/category/podcastcat/feed/ url suggested by IanD won’t work.

    hmmmm. something is def. weird. now i got the kevin devin rss hardcode hack to work, to validate as rss i mean, and i saved this under a completely different name. yet when i tried to submit this to itunes i again received the “it appears the feed has already submitted”. i wonder if they just check the 1. part of the url, what if people want to submit various podcasts all hosted in one blog?

    Here is my feed url feel free to copy and pastes as needed. It is straight Kevin Devin jsut changed for my needs. I got Itunes to accept it once i fixed my errors.
    If your into scuba you’ll like our cast.

    Most of the problem I had were all me making dumb mistakes.
    I used https://feedvalidator.org/ it will give you line by line of what issues your code errors. I found this very helpful.


    I think the whole wp-rss2.php need a clean up
    It lacks some stuff as for example Creative Commons name space (CC is very.. common among weblog) now it’s the itunes tags.
    The problem is that each hack of this file may screw the feed, it’s a very d??licate part.


    I updated my wp-rss2 file.
    Cleaned an uneeded section out, per Kevin

    Hey jbisjim, I couldn’t help noticing that in your feed you have a typo:


    (should be Podcast, right?)

    Does this mean the “category” tag is not parsed, or that it’s ignored if “category” doesn’t equal some specific value?

    thanks for the heads up but i am not finding that line? do you still see it. I cleaned out a few uneeded items a bit ago.

    jbsjim, I’m still seeing it when I use the link you’ve posted above, and also from the “XML” button on your webpage. It’s the 22nd line up from the bottom in the XML file. Am I looking at an old version?

    Your right
    It was a wordpress category spelling error on my part. ?? does not show up on the text file on my end. Word press fills in the blanks for data the wp-rss2 file calls. so it was only as good as the person who programmed the category to begin with. ??

    Feedburner is working on adding the necessary iTunes tags to their feeds.

    Podcast Alley is doing custom feeds for people who are listed there. You can edit the feeds too – from tomorrow ??


    An official example. This is the feed used by Apple to publish the most successful iTMS songs :


    I’ve altered the wp-rss2.php file to be a bit more dynamic in creating the iTunes tags. I’ve tried to pull as much info as possible from WordPress. I’m still working out a way to put categories and keywords in items, probably going to make them based off of custom fields. Details and a link to the modified file can be found here:



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