• As everyone’s surely heard by now, iTunes 4.9 with podcasting support is out. It has a fairly complete directory, but with very little metadata on each podcast.

    Apple has published a document with some RSS 2.0 extensions to fill in that missing metadata. I’m going to begin work on implementing those specifications in the WordPress RSS script ASAP, because I want my podcast to be usable within the iTunes directory sooner rather than later.

    My question is: is anyone else working on this, or does anyone have an interest in it? If it’s easy to do, I’ll wrap up the extensions in a plugin. If it’s not, I’ll just hack the PHP and share the changes here. I’ve never written a plugin before, however, and my time is extremely limited, so I may ask for help on the packaging-and-polishing part if anyone’s willing. Thanks.

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  • I’ve altered the wp-rss2.php file to be a bit more dynamic in creating the iTunes tags. I’ve tried to pull as much info as possible from WordPress. I’m still working out a way to put categories and keywords in items, probably going to make them based off of custom fields. Details and a link to the modified file can be found here:



    I’ve altered the wp-rss2.php file to be a bit more dynamic in creating the iTunes tags. I’ve tried to pull as much info as possible from WordPress. I’m still working out a way to put categories and keywords in items, probably going to make them based off of custom fields. Details and a link to the modified file can be found here:



    hmm. eventhough my modified kevin devin feed validates in feedvalidator.org it does not seem to work in certain feed readers, notably the sage extension for FF. did anyone have similar problems?

    I have added the correct itunes specific tags to wp-rss2.php but I could only add the items up to the first <item> tag. From there, it is obviously too specific for me to make perminant changes to the php file. So far, “global” tags work fine and were accepted by iTunes (nice code checking they have!).

    Modifying the php file is lame, I’ll admit, but it will work fine for my podcast. Have any of you come up with a solution for adding the itunes specific codes to each of the <item>‘s? for example the <itunes:duration> <itunes:explicit> <itunes:keywords> etc tags? Can I do this by using the “Add new custom field” tool via the admin->write post? If so, how would you code that?

    For anyone interested, Kreg Stepp over at https://www.spyndle.com assisted me by pointing out the needed piece (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/34222) to strip the HTML before being stuffed within the <itunes:sample> tag within the Item element of the RSS feed.

    For a working example – https://kevindevin.com/iTunes-wp-rss2.php.txt



    I’m confused.

    My podcast rss feed is here:

    i add it to iTunes 4.9 and it pops right up. What’s the issue?

    Little bit off topic but why does my different podcast readers only pick up news posted to my wordpress if it has a video or audio file attached to it. In other words, If I just want to catch news how do I go about setting it up in my wordpress? Thanks…Jim

    I have added mine as well and it still is not showing up in itunes.
    How long does it take? I can manually put my cast in, but I want to see it in the itunes directory.

    can you say more about what you had to do to get those tags into your rss feed?

    I’d sure like to add an image, and a little more iTunes specific data to my show’s rss feed.



    Podcast Alley is now offering iTunes Ready Feeds. If you’re listed there, go get your link:


    iTunes actually recognized the feed accepted my submission.


    There is this incredibly useful tool that helps you see in an easy single step exactly what’s going on in your rss feed.

    It was made by Patrick of Nobody likes Onions.

    here is the aforementioned tool.

    Vox Monitor – The podcast review podcast. We’re the ‘Siskel and Ebert of podcasting.”

    Ok I’ve made the edits to my rss2 document, and all the tags seem to show up correctly in the feed, but iTunes is still not displaying my image.

    can somebody check this out for me?


    here is mine. It works. I get a channel image in i tunes, and 0 errors and 0 missing tags in the NLO feed check tool:

    toonfinder –

    If you’re still having trouble with your channel image, the problem is probably that it is not 300X300. The image has to be a jpg and it has to be exactly 300X300, despite what the itunes pdf says.

    Vox Monitor

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