jclick sorry about that, I was hoping to edit my reply fast enough so you wouldn’t have seen that. =( But I guess I wasn’t fast enough for you lol.
I went searching for ppl’s comments on it at the site for the theme download and then posted links to them comments. I did download that theme earlier, just didn’t get to upload it yet and mess around with it.. Plan on doing that here soon.
After reading what the theme maker said about it, I think I have an idea what he was doing.. But sometimes it’s hard to understand why “theme makers” do the stuff they do lol.
You’d almost expect it to be made atleast some what “easy” especially for all those ppl out there “without” that experience in certain “fields” of coding… :/ Guess not sometimes… =( Anyway, I hope ya get this straightened out soon…and I’ll upload it here soon myself and tinker with it lol..