Jamming- Cannot move from one section to another
I have 5 blogs on WordPress. All goibng well until recently.
A. Health niche blog – Have problems moving from posts to new post, or from widget to post. In fact moving from one section to another, and the whole thing jams and I am left with a line of green dashes and the pepperpot logo. This happens almost regularly.
Also getting image from my picturs page on microsoft has now stopped and I get an error. I can download with an HTML code or from the media section, but from My Pictures nothing.
B. Home, Family and Garden blog – same problems.
C. Self Development niche – same problems.
D. Forex and Making Money Online – although I can get to log in and do so all I get is the grey band across the top of the screen and the rest blank. Neither can anyone get into the website at all.This again happened same time as above.
E. Cookery and Recipe niche – same problems as A,B and C.The domains are hosted on Chris Farrell Hosting, and to date I have had no problem here.
I have many further posts I have written and wish to publish but the above is stopping this.As I earn my living from these blogs, and wish to be as high up the search engines as possible, I do want to resolve these issues as soon as possible.Any help and advice would be very greatfully received.
My 5 blogs are :-
https://howtocookonline.orgThank you all in advance
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