• foxymonkey


    It’s not unusual for links to be connected to a website goal. For example each click can be reported to facebook saying “£0.06 were generated”.

    But Easy affiliate links does not offer support to inject a function call in the onclick events. So what I ended up doing is removing the [eafl] where I need it which messes up its statistics.

    It would be great to have this option. Any plans to add it in the near future?

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  • Plugin Author Brecht


    The shortcode is actually not required for the statistics. As long as the link you have (with any custom code attached you want) goes to the shortlink (the /recommends/ URL) it will be counted towards clicks.

    With jQuery it would also be possible to attach a custom event to the earl-link class.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter foxymonkey


    Thanks for the quick reply Brecht, I appreciate that!

    With jQuery however, you cannot differentiate between 2 different links on the same page. This is because all eafl links have the same “eafl-link” class but no IDs. This is a problem when I’m writing comparison articles for example and want a different affiliate link for different products.

    The only alternative I have now is to remove the eafl-link and replace it with the tag with onclick events which defeats the purpose of using the plugin ??

    I really like the plugin though! Simple and it works.

    Thread Starter foxymonkey


    I guess I could use a regex to grab all URLs matching a specific pattern and attach the onclick afterwards as another solution?

    Plugin Author Brecht


    Can you give me a specific example of the code you’re using for those links (so not through our plugin, but the desired result).


    Thread Starter foxymonkey


    Sure. Here is a snippet of the HTML I’d like to have:

    This post includes everything you need to know about 
    <a class="fbtom" href="https://www.foxymonkey.com/recommends/oddsmonkey-vs-pa/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">OddsMonkey</a> and <a class="fbtpa" href="https://www.foxymonkey.com/recommends/profitaccummulator/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Profit Accumulator</a>

    With jQuery I have added this to attach the onclicks:

    var fbtoms = document.querySelectorAll('.fbtom');
    for (var i=0; i<fbtoms.length; i++) {
    	fbtoms[i].onclick = function(){fbq('track', 'Purchase', {value: 0.15,currency: 'GBP'})};

    Same onclick events are attached for the second class (fbtpa).

    Plugin Author Brecht


    Ok, thanks for the example. I’ll look into the possibilities!


    Thread Starter foxymonkey


    Thanks, Brecht.

    I think the easiest thing to do is to add an optional “custom class” text field when trying to create a link.


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