• Resolved aate



    After a series of updates to following I get the following javascript error in Media Library Folders view. Folders do not appear, it just keeps on loading. Media files are displayed normally I think.

    Javascript error : TypeError: c[o].parent is null

    Screenshot: https://ibb.co/h89az9

    I recently changed wp database prefix due to security reasons (it was still default), started using SSL and run all updates to WordPress and its plugins. With the prefix change I did also change the prefixes in database and the site works otherwise normally. However it is possible that this error came up with those changes.

    Tried updating PHP from 5.4 to 5.6 since there was a notice but it didn’t help.

    Thank you in advance.

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  • Plugin Author AlanP57


    Upgrading PHP from 5.4 to 5.6 will help in other areas. Do look at the Support page of the plugin and you find a number of troubleshooting tips include what to do when the folder tree does not load, which is to do a database reset of the folder tree data. This is explained in the troubleshooting tips.

    Thread Starter aate


    Thanks for the reply! I will look for those troubleshooting tips.

    But doesn’t “database reset of the folder tree data” mean that all created folders will be deleted or lost? This is not what I want to happen.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter aate


    Ok, it worked. And folders are still there. Thank you!

    Plugin Author AlanP57


    No, it is necessary to remove the old folder data in the folder table and rescan the media library and check the server for any additional folders. The only function of this table is to keep track of folders and their files. Usually this issue happens when a parent folder is missing from the database making it impossible for the tree to add the parent’s child folders.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by AlanP57.
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