• Hello,
    I just updated my wordpress to version 4.1 and when i go to Edit Page, it generates javascript error that is following…

    Error: Error: no such method ‘instance’ for menu widget instance
    Source File: /wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-sortable,postbox,&load%5B%5D=thickbox,underscore,shortcode,plupload,json2,jquery-ui-slider,jquery-touch-punch,iris,wp-color-picker,jquery-ui-datepicker,farbt&load%5B%5D=astic,media-upload&ver=4.1
    Line: 2

    I disabled and enabled all plugins one-by-one and i found it is due to WordPress SEO by Yoast. I confirmed it again and again, and verified that is true, I request author to guide me what should i do to resolve that issue.
    I have a big website SEO configured on it. So, please tell me how it can be resolve?

    thank you so much.


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  • Anonymous User 162421



    I was having this problem as well, and also did not want to disable the plugin due to that likely affecting SEO.

    The error appears to be on the autocomplete jQuery for the focus keyword in the meta box.

    I monkey-patched this by commenting out the following code:

    jQuery(“#”+wpseoMetaboxL10n.field_prefix+”focuskw”).autocomplete({minLength:3,formatResult:function(a){return jQuery(“<div/>”).html(a).html()},source:function(a,b){var c=a.term;return c in e?void b(e[c]):(a._ajax_nonce=wpseoMetaboxL10n.wpseo_keyword_suggest_nonce,a.action=”wpseo_get_suggest”,void(d=jQuery.getJSON(ajaxurl,a,function(a,f,g){e[c]=a,g===d&&b(a)})))}}),

    in the file \wp-content\plugins\wordpress-seo\js\wp-seo-metabox.min.js

    Mind you this breaks autocomplete on the focus keyword box, but that is less worse than it breaking javascript all over the edit page. I’m unsure what is wrong with the autocomplete, likely fix incoming from Yoast team.


    Following an update to WordPress 4.1 I’m having a JavaScript issue, the Yoast SEO plugin seems to be merging JavaScript into one file preventing the Visual Composer from loading on the backend.

    When I deactivate the Yoast Plugin, Visual Composer works fine.


    Nigel! You are a life saver …

    Anonymous User 162421


    No problems! If I look into it further later and figure out the actual problem, I’ll post that.

    Hello my friend. my site: https://www.seotec.com.tr is Yoast was installed, but at the end of title (-) I was having problems how can I solve it?

    Worked for me too, thanks Nigel ??


    Tried what Nigel suggested but it didnt work. Yoast is breaking all my JS and co. When I create a page it works ok but once I publish the page or save it I cant add links or anything and it breaks virtual composer and co

    got this notice : https://prntscr.com/6n1i6z

    I updated to Yoast SEO 2.0 but didnt change a thing.

    Any idea guys ?

    I’m getting the same issue. Disable yoast, it works; re-enable it, it breaks with the same JS errors others have mentioned.

    I upgraded to Yoast 2.0.1 too but it made no difference.

    At the moment my workaround is, turn yoast off, make the changes, turn it back on again. Far from ideal.

    Quite surprised this hasn’t been fixed yet…

    Actually, its fixed for me with latest wp, latest vc, latest yoast seo, and latest theme versions.

    It didn’t get fixed yet.

    I also have this problem, and the fix from you Nigel Fish did not work for me.

    It turned out that my issue was to do with a different plugin that was doing some very bad practice jQuery things – loading own jQuery library and code outside of a document.ready.

    Once I’d fixed those it all worked again.

    So in my experience the problem is likely to lay in a plugin/theme with jQuery issues.

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