Javascript error with WP-Version 4.1
I just updated my wordpress to version 4.1 and when i go to Edit Page, it generates javascript error that is following…Error: Error: no such method ‘instance’ for menu widget instance
Source File: /wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=1&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-sortable,postbox,&load%5B%5D=thickbox,underscore,shortcode,plupload,json2,jquery-ui-slider,jquery-touch-punch,iris,wp-color-picker,jquery-ui-datepicker,farbt&load%5B%5D=astic,media-upload&ver=4.1
Line: 2I disabled and enabled all plugins one-by-one and i found it is due to WordPress SEO by Yoast. I confirmed it again and again, and verified that is true, I request author to guide me what should i do to resolve that issue.
I have a big website SEO configured on it. So, please tell me how it can be resolve?thank you so much.
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