Javascript functions review + When applied to a specific WordPress page it reloa
I make use of the (built-in) WordPress image gallery, it contains 36 images(figures). I want to break up the gallery and standard hide the images from the 26th image, then insert a new figure element which acts like a button and if clicked shows the other images and hide the button, kind of toggle.
I’m new to javaScript and pieced together 2 functions, when applied to the page from Chrome developer console, it works like i want it to, but when i call the function from WordPress functions.php like described in the code below, it shows the rest of the images for like 2 seconds and then it starts over.
The Chrome console gives me this error
?w3tc_minify=51de0.js:7 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘style’ of null at createGalleryFigure (?w3tc_minify=51de0.js:7) at (index):189 createGalleryFigure @ ?w3tc_minify=51de0.js:7 (anonymous) @ (index):189
Please, review my code, give me suggestions, is this good coding, what goes wrong?
Thnx in advance!
// insert images javaScript function createGalleryFigure() { var elems = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery-item"); var n = 26; for (var i = n; i < elems.length; i++) { elems[i].style.display = "none"; } var galleryDiv = document.getElementById("gallery-4"); var a = document.createElement("FIGURE"); a.setAttribute("class", "gallery-item"); a.setAttribute("id", "meerButton"); = "none"; galleryDiv.appendChild(a); var b = document.createElement("DIV"); b.setAttribute("class", "gallery-icon landscape"); a.appendChild(b); var c = document.createElement("DIV"); c.setAttribute("class", "meer"); b.appendChild(c); var d = document.createElement("A"); d.setAttribute("onclick", "showOther();"); d.setAttribute("id", "moreProjects"); d.setAttribute("class", "no-lightbox"); c.appendChild(d); var e = document.createElement("IMG"); e.setAttribute("width", "400"); e.setAttribute("height", "168"); e.setAttribute("src", "*pathToImage*"); e.setAttribute("class", "image-overlay attachment-full size-full"); e.setAttribute("id", "meer"); e.setAttribute("alt", "Meer projecten"); e.setAttribute("aria-describedby", "gallery-4-666"); e.setAttribute("sizes", "(max-width: 400px) 85vw, 400px"); e.setAttribute("title", "Meer projecten"); d.appendChild(e); var f = document.createElement("DIV") f.setAttribute("class", "overlay"); c.appendChild(f); d.appendChild(f); var g = document.createElement("DIV") g.setAttribute("class", "text"); g.innerHTML = "Meer projecten"; f.appendChild(g); }
// Show Other Elements function showOther() { var elems = document.querySelectorAll(".gallery-item"); var n = 26; for (var i = n; i < elems.length; i++) { elems[i].style.display = "inline-block"; elems[i].style.maxWidth = "33.33%"; elems[i].style.padding = "0 1.1400652% 2.2801304%"; elems[i].style.textAlign = "center"; elems[i].style.verticalAlign = "top"; elems[i].style.width = "100%"; } var button = document.querySelector('#meerButton'); = "none"; }
// functions.php add_action( 'wp_footer', 'hideProjects' ); function hideProjects() { if( !is_page( 'overzicht-projecten' ) ) return; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="*pathToScript*"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = createGalleryFigure(); </script> <?php };
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