• Hello,

    I find a javascript problem (firebug) :

    TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null
    var width = document.getElementById(myPlayer.id).parentElement.offsetWidth;

    it refers to ../wp-content/plugins/video-central/assets/frontend/js/source/video-central.js?ver=1.1.0 (ligne 21, col. 16)

    but maybe only with my theme ? It causes problem on the video home page (via template) like the arrow (on carrousel) doesn’t work to next video (feature, latest…etc) because redirect on ‘#’ after the root url of the page on my website.

    I have problem with style css :

    – this code css breaks style of my breadcrumbs, and menu of my header
    box-sizing: border-box;

    – this code results the slider/carrousel (featured and lastest…) doesn’t use all the width on the video home page (template)

    .video-central-row {
        margin: 0;
        max-width: 62.5rem;
        width: 100%;

    – video tabs (video home page template) to latest or featured doesn’t display correctly, the video list is bottom the slider of the main video (current)

    – different icons displayed on every html list (
    li tag) on the widget for example, this problem go away if I disable this code (firebug)

    span.twitter, span.youtube, span.skype, span.facebook, span.like, span.video, span.dropbox, span.vimeo, span.paypal, .twitter li, .youtube li, .skype li, .facebook li, .like li, .video li, .dropbox li, .vimeo li, .paypal li {
        background-image: url("../images/typography/dark/icon-set3.png");

    Now I’m done. maybe my problems will be used to improve the code so that it is integrated better.

    Thanks. Sorry my english is bad ??


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