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  • Plugin Author baqend


    Hi, @yairisan!

    We are sorry that you are having a hard time with our WordPress plugin. It’s actually intended as a one-click solution, so it shouldn’t give you the trouble it obviously does.

    Would you let one of our developers take a look at your case to find out what went wrong? That would be really awesome, because it would help us to avoid those issues in the future.

    Thanks in advance,
    Konstantin from Baqend

    Thread Starter yairisan


    Sure, I’d be happy to provide direct feedback.

    If it’s a one-click solution, what is all this stuff about creating an ‘application’ and ‘token’ stuff. Plus, it gives the impression that there is more than one thing you have to download…oh, and what is a ‘worker’? The list goes on. I will say that it’s impressive in its complexity, but certainly not for newbs like me.

    The overriding impression is one of highly impressive tech, with, dare I say, some of the slickest interactive screens of any WP plugin I’ve seen; but the explanations either assume too much foreknowledge by the user, or are simply poorly written, and at least one part of the flow was circular and had me bouncing redundantly between screens. At that point, I more or less gave up, lol.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by yairisan.
    Plugin Author baqend


    Thanks for the informative update!

    To provide some insights: Setting up the WordPress plugin actually should be a one-click process for most customers who install it directly through the WordPress Plugin Directory. However, there are certain conditions under which installing Speed Kit does not work out-of-the-box, for example if:

    • you are trying to connect your WordPress plugin with a license bought via our Plesk Extension
    • you don’t have the WordPress Toolkit installed when using the Plesk Extension
    • you signed up for Speed Kit through the Baqend Dashboard and used the Wizard for configuration

    We are fully aware that there are still some rough edges which we are really sorry for! We sincerely ask for your patience as we are working to round them off. Regarding your case, we could contact you via email with step-by-step instructions how to get your Speed Kit installation off the ground, if you’re still willing to give us a chance ??

    Have a nice day and thanks again for your feedback,
    Konstantin from Baqend

    Thread Starter yairisan


    Great concept – poorly executed with insufficient support. Baqend caused content in my site to go missing. As soon as I deactivated and refreshed everything, the site content is back.

    Was promised direct help via email. It never came, so **** ’em. That said, there was a noticeable increase in page speed, so while their support sucks, and technically flawed, it might work eventually.

    Had similar issues with Cloudflare in regard dropped frames/content (fixed by removing it).

    Bottom line: was promised support, but didn’t get any. So, happy to see the back end of Baqend! Site works fine without it.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Andrew Nevins. Reason: Removed profanity
    Plugin Author baqend


    Hi @yairisan,

    we are very sorry that you feel that way. We are just a small startup of 12 full-time developers working from Germany on a product with experimental browser technology which isn’t always easy. The WordPress plugin you’ve been trying out is particularly challenging for us, since it is supposed to work fully automatic. Therefore, we are heavily relying on feedback to improve our product and to detect bugs in unexpected conditions. Thus, we thank for your feedback.

    Already having said that we are based in Germany, as by the German “Unfair Competition Act” UWG § 7 (2) 3rd phrase we are not allowed to contact you via email as long as you don’t explicitly allow us to do so. So please beg our pardon for not answering you directly, as we had to wait for your reply and agreement that you’d like to be contacted via email.

    However, we also want to make clear that we don’t appreciate the way you tell your feedback. Judging by your website, you appear to be an entrepreneur as well and I guess you share the struggle of winning and losing customers, to get support right on the one hand and develop the company further on the other hand. So please be reasonable in your feedback and don’t discount our support publicly, before you have given us a chance to sort things out. Also keep in mind that you’re violating the WordPress support forum’s rules by swearing and offending us and our company.

    Anyways, seeing that you apparently expected an email from us, I’ll be contacting you shortly to resolve your issues.

    Kind regards
    Konstantin from Baqend

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by baqend.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by baqend.
    Thread Starter yairisan


    I apologise for the profanity and misunderstanding the email rules. I would be happy to append my review and include due apologies. I actually tried to do this earlier, but to no avail. Again, I’m not sure what the procedure is.

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